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他不屑阿谀奉承。He is above flattery.

他不为阿谀奉承所动。He is proof against flattery.

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那些奉承使她心花怒放。The flattery made her expand.

一个伟大的人是不屑于阿谀奉承的。A great man is above flattery.

他们的奉承使我昏昏然了。Their flattery turned my head.

拍拍马屁会让你心想事成Flattery Will Get You Everywhere

阿求奉承并不会对你有如何帮助。Flattery won't get you anywhere.

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难道你没发现奉承拍马很有好处?Haven't you found flattery pays?

她以阿谀奉承博得宠幸。She bought favour with flattery.

她听了这些奉承话而得意起来。She was pleased by the flattery.

难道你没发现奉承拍马很有好处?Haven't you found flattery pays ?

奉承话只不过像块温和的肥皂。Flattery is nothing but soft soap.

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难道阿谀奉承是成功之道吗?Is flattery a passport to success.

不要到镜子的谄言中。Not in the flattery of thy mirror.

一个智者是不会被阿谀奉承所迷惑的。A wise man is superior to flattery.

他对这种假惺惺的谄谀不屑一顾。He is above the insincere flattery.

还有不要陷入谄媚之中。And don't get pulled in by flattery.

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有些人就喜欢听奉承话。Some people are reached by flattery.

那家伙很喜欢受人奉承。That guy is a pushover for flattery.

部长不喜欢听恭维话。Thee minister is averse to flattery.