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让这些骨灰养育海棠。Make these ashes to nourish and blossom.

雨露滋润禾苗壮。Rain and dew drops nourish young seedlings.

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这种面霜中富含维生素A,能够滋养肌肤。The cream contains vitamin A to nourish the skin.

沐浴后,给全身涂上滋养露。After bathing, to nourish the body coated with dew.

肾藏精以滋养肝的阴血。The kidney stores essence to nourish blood in the liver.

用矿物化妆品呵护你的皮肤吧。Nourish your skin and look your best with mineral makeup.

烹饪小贴士·这道家常菜有助于养颜。TIPS This home-cooked dish can help to nourish your skin.

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一直往下流,流入我的心田,滋润我心窝。Has been down stream, flows in my heart, nourish my heart.

由于面部皮肤过敏严酷,所以不能过火滋养。As harsh facial skin allergies, it can not nourish the fire.

麦冬、生地能养阴养血。Ophopogonis Root and Fresh Rehmannia Root nourish 'Yin' and blood.

南美洲的妇女都用这种水果来滋养她们的皮肤和头发。South American women use the fruit to nourish their skin and hair.

他们孕育了寻求无聊的奇怪才能。They are the ones that nourish the strangest vocation for boredom.

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这里有三个用来帮助在瑜伽体式中滋养关节的主要原则。There are three main tenets that help nourish the joints in a yoga pose.

保湿,滋养,修护在一夜之间同步完成的睡眠面膜。The sleep mask that can moisturize, nourish and repair your skin overnight.

可以在全身使用加强,均色,滋养肌肤,对抗瘙痒。Use all over body to strengthen, tone and nourish skin and fight itchiness.

大病初愈,你要好好营养一下身体。When recovering from a serious illness, you have to nourish your body well.

享受清新的椰果香味,丰富营养滋润每一根发丝!Enjoy the fresh scent of coconuts as this formula helps nourish each strand.

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这些叶子能保持几天的生命力,然后变成泥土滋养着地球母亲。They remain live and animate days before decomposing to nourish mother earth.

由自然界中获取的未经加工处理的食物可以滋养身体,从而使人体能够自愈。Unprocessed foods direct from nature nourish your body so it can heal itself.

用尖刺抽干灵魂供养巨大的根茎和枝叶。They drain the spirit of them to nourish their large roots, trunks and leaves.