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金星的大气层太厚了。The Venusian atmosphere is too thick.

总是同一种模式,无论他们找哪个金星人搭话,结果都是这样。Always the same pattern, no matter what Venusian they tried.

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火星人能接受金星人的美丽与文化鼓舞。The Martians were inspired by the Venusian beauty and culture.

前两次金星远征队里的外星人心理学专家也未获成功。Experts with the previous Venusian expedi tions had also failed.

只是从今往后地球上再也不会有任何金星人来访了。Only now Earth is never going to have another Venusian visit us.

天文学家已经发现在金星大气中存在羟基。Astronomers have found the hydroxyl radical in the Venusian atmosphere.

可是谁曾见过水星信天翁,金星兰花,或者木星居住者呢?But who had ever seen a Mercurian albatross, a Venusian orchid, or a giant Jovian cloud-dweller?

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不必经过另一个金星人的请求就直接帮助对方,是金星人表示爱心的方式。A sign of great love is to offer help and assistance to another Venusian without even being asked.

莱特纳在一份新闻简报中说,“如果金星的大气层下存在生命,其存在形式很有可能和地球迥然不同。”If life exists in the Venusian atmosphere, it probably won’t work in the same way as life on Earth.

1967年,金星四号成为第一个穿过金星云层并传回资料的太空船。In 1967, Venera IV became the first space probe to penetrate the Venusian clouds and transmit data.

火星人和金星人都有许多正面特性,以上所讲的错误只是发生在时间及方法上而已。These are very positive Martian and Venusian attributes. The mistakes are only in timing and approach.

这是只可能检测为云雷达对金星一天的长度完全吞噬的表面。It was only possible to detect the length of the Venusian day by radar as the clouds entirely engulf the surface.

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这张图片显示的是离金星表面60千米左右的大气层区域,波长为5微米。This picture shows a region in the venusian atmosphere about 60 km from the surface, at a wavelength of about 5 micrometres.

不管她谈的是自己还是别人的问题,说话永远是金星人面对压力时自然和健康的反应。Whether she is talking about her problems or others' problems, talking is a natural and healthy Venusian reaction to stress.

有启发意义的是,当她向第一任丈夫描述其火星奇遇时,他认为那可能只是一个梦。Perhaps revealingly, she says that when she recounted her Venusian encounter to her first husband, he suggested it had probably been a dream.

或许能给人启发的是,她说当她向第一任丈夫讲述她遇上金星人的事情时,他认为那可能是个梦。Perhaps revealingly, she says that when she recounted her Venusian encounter to her first husband, he suggested it had probably been a dream.

金星上的科学家首次把一颗卫星成功地送上了地球,此后卫星便不断地发回信号和照片。For the first time Venusian scientists managed to land a satellite on the plant Earth, and is has been sending back signals as well as photographs ever since.

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金星人难过或感受压力时,纾解方式是找她信任的人,然后谈论她这天的问题细节。When a Venusian becomes upset or is stressed by her day, to find relief, she seeks out someone she trusts and then talks in great detail about the problems of her day.

在地球上,当一个小女孩看见母亲接受爱,她自然而然觉得自己也值得爱,她自然克服了金星人强制性给与太多的毛病。Here on Earth, when a little girl experiences her mother receiving love, then automatically she feels worthy. She is able easily to overcome the Venusian compulsion to give too much.

金星人以拥有能分享感觉与问题的好朋友为满足,火星人则以能在他自己的洞穴解决问题而满足。Venusian feels good about herself when she has loving friends with whom to share her feelings and problems. A Martian feels good when he can solve his problems on his own in his cave.