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结论洛沙平是一种起效快而安全的抗精神病药物。Conclusion Loxapin is an safe and effective antipsychotic agent.

哌罗匹隆是一种安全有效的非典型抗精神病药。Perospirone is an effective and safe atypical antipsychotic drug.

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目的探讨抗精神病药物对血清钾的影响。Objective To explore the effect of antipsychotic on serum potassium.

这就是抗抑郁药和安定药的副作用。This is the side effection of antidepressant drugs and antipsychotic drugs.

选择对泌乳素影响小的抗精神病药物是关键。It is important to choose antipsychotic drugs with little effect on prolactin.

利培酮是一个相对较新抗精神病药提供世界各地的1990年代初期以来。Risperidone is a relatively new antipsychotic available world-wide since the early 1990s.

医生试过安定药维思通,可珍妮弗开始发胖且行动迟缓。Doctors tried the antipsychotic drug Risperdal, but Jennifer gained weight and grew sluggish.

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Naylor求助精神科医生,并收到了抗精神病药的处方。Naylor sought help from a psychiatrist and received a prescription for an antipsychotic drug.

进一步的研究发现,抗抑郁和抗精神病药物都对脂质筏有浓缩作用。Further, antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs have been shown to concentrate in these lipid rafts.

那里的医生停掉了她所有的药物,除了剂量很低的一种安定药。The consultant there stopped all of her medications except for a low dose of a single antipsychotic.

其余的患者则服用吗茚酮的第一代精神病治疗药物。Others received a first generation of anti-side cutted first-generation antipsychotic drug, molindone.

该药与利培酮有关联,前者是轰动一时的安定药,2008年失去专利保护。The drug is related to Risperdal, a former blockbuster antipsychotic that lost patent protection in 2008.

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在这些案例中,服用抗焦虑、抗抑郁或安定会有很大的帮助。Sedatingantianxiety medications, antidepressants or antipsychotic medications may behelpful in such cases.

当她从住院部出院后,她仍旧服用抗精神病药物,但是还看分析师。Upon being discharged from inpatient care, she remained on antipsychotic medications, but also saw an analyst.

但幸运的是,我是抗精神病药物和思维技巧结合应用的受益者之一。But I am fortunate that I am one of those who finds that antipsychotic medication and thinking techniques help.

目的探讨瑜珈健身法减轻抗精神病药物不良反应的疗效。Objective To explore the effectiveness of YOGA in alleviating the side effects caused by antipsychotic medications.

结果所有抗精神病药物对精神病患者均能引起体重增加的副作用,尤其以舒必利和氯氮平较多。Results All antipsychotic drug can give occasion to effects on increasing of weight, in chief of sulpiride and clozapine.

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一些患者服用了“利培酮”和“奥氮平”两种新药,其它患者则服用了第一代安定药物——吗茚酮。Some received risperidone or olanzapine, 2 newer drugs. Others received a first-generation antipsychotic drug, molindone.

她被诊断为精神分裂症,住院五个月,并且强制服用抗精神病药物。She was diagnosed with schizophrenia, hospitalized for five months, and forcibly medicated with antipsychotic medications.

对于儿童期发病的精神分裂症病人的抗精神病药物选用尤为严格。The problem of which antipsychotic agents to use is particularly poignant for patients with childhood-onset schizophrenia.