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我没有充分的准备。I have no adequate preparation.

基本的准备工作。Mise en place basic preparation.

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目前,准备工作已经到位。All the preparation work is done.

我们先回去准备。We go back the preparation first.

帝加系统,准备完成。Tika System, Preparation Completed.

站好位置以对面对和危险做出准备。He made good preparation for the exam.

介绍了磺化煤的制备方法。Its preparation method was introduced.

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闪躲是对挨打所做的准备。Flinching is preparation for being hit.

我们现在正在做前期的预备工作。?。Now we are indulged in preparation work.

丽春红染色液的配制。Preparation of the Ponceau's stain liquid.

建议准备一首华彩乐段。The preparation of one cadenza is expected.

我们的粮草准备的如何?What situation about our grain preparation?

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不准备就考不及格。You can't pass an exam without preparation.

准备确认工作。SG1 Preparation for validation is conducted.

是秘方配制的专治青春痘痤疮的。Tyranny is the secret acne acne preparation.

共聚树脂的合成及热分解性能。Preparation and thermolysis of the copolymer.

现代化教学设备的配备。The preparation of modern teaching equipment.

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在考试期间,我们应该做准备。During exam time we should do for preparation.

世博价值支撑我们办博。I. The Expo values support our Expo preparation

食品加工前不当的洗手。Improper hand-washing prior to food preparation.