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载脂蛋白E在淀粉状蛋白的致死性转变中起着重要的作用。Apo E is a key player in the deadly transformation of amyloid. Dr.

猛男密封蜡载脂蛋白60补充猛男抛光线。Menzerna Sealing Wax APO 60 complements the Menzerna line of polishes.

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结果载脂蛋白A1与血清及胆汁酯类含量变化密切相关。Result Apo A1 was found to be closely related to lipid in serum and bile.

地址老是不被认可,说找不到邮箱还是什么的,需要一个实际真实地址,如下。Please provide a physical address. We cannot accept PO Boxes, APO or FPO addresses.

载脂蛋白E作为一种生物学伴侣蛋白,能在脑内转运胆固醇和脂肪。Apo E acts as a sort of biological chaperone, ferrying cholesterol and fats around the brain.

外套层另一种非清洁巴西棕榈蜡之上猛男密封蜡载脂蛋白60如果需要。Layer another coat of a non-cleaning carnauba wax on top of Menzerna Sealing Wax APO 60 if desired.

在这个过程中,中国市场在整个妥思亚太区的战略位置是什么样的?During that critical period and following operation, what is strategic role of China market in the whole Trox APO?

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提示巨噬细胞活化可显著抑制载脂蛋白AI促细胞胆固醇外流能力。Conclusion The macrophages activation may effectively inhibit the capacity of apo AI to remove cholesterol from cells.

在类似的完成,使用猛男密封蜡载脂蛋白60单独删除第一个迹象氧化和保护涂料。On like-new finishes, use Menzerna Sealing Wax APO 60 alone to remove the first signs of oxidation and to protect the paint.

在风化完成,使用猛男亚洲生产力组织的60封蜡后,立即猛男强化波兰,以消除任何光线欺侮。On weathered finishes, use Menzerna Sealing Wax APO 60 immediately after Menzerna Intensive Polish to remove any light hazing.

乳腺癌是女性常见的恶性肿瘤,乳腺癌的诊断、治疗及预后与其细胞凋亡密切相关。This article reviewed information related to the apo pt osis of breast cancer cells. Breast cancer is a common malignant tumor in women.

猛男密封蜡载脂蛋白60很容易应用,轻松清理,并留下了持久层高光泽卡纳乌巴涂料的保护。Menzerna Sealing Wax APO 60 is easy to apply, effortless to clean up, and leaves a lasting layer of high gloss carnauba paint protection.

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Wisniewski博士是首次描述载脂蛋白E在淀粉样沉积物中的作用的科学家之一,他将脂蛋白描述为病理性伴侣蛋白。Wisniewski, who is among the scientists who first described the role of apo E in amyloid deposition, describes the lipoprotein as a "pathological chaperone."

结论细胞凋亡与增殖行为在胎儿晶状体发育的整个过程中普遍存在,协同参与了调控胎儿晶状体正常发育过程。Conclusion Proliferation and APO exist universally in the course of lens development, and supervise and control the regular development of lens co-operatively.

中国是妥思亚太区投资重点,我们会整合妥思亚太区的资源开发中国市场,提供给客户更多的增值服务。TROX China is the core of our APO structure, we will optimize all resources to develop the Chinese market and provide more value-added service to our customers.

对去水吗啡引起的血浆中DA和NE含量的改变及脑组织中DA含量的改变,多动合剂均能予以校正,使各项指标接近空白对照组水平。Both the changes of DA and NE in plasma induced by APO and DA in brain tissue could be adjusted by UMHS with making them close to the level in the control group.

Wisniewski说,我们的方式为治疗这种疾病开拓了一种全新的途径,大量的数据表明载脂蛋白E在散发阿耳茨海默氏病起重要作用。"Our approach opens up a completely new avenue for therapy, " says Dr. Wisniewski. "There is a lot of data showing that apo E is important in sporadic Alzheimer's disease.

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因此,无论在年代际时间尺度还是在年际时间尺度上,夏季APO强弱变化与西北太平洋热带气旋多寡之间均存在显著联系。Therefore, the in-phase relationship between APO and the tropical cyclone frequency over the western North Pacific is significant both on the interannual and interdecadal timescale.

结果表明,我国栗钙土与其它国家的软土系同一时期的产物,它们形成于大约6000年以前。Results of radiocarbon dating showed that the chestnut soils of China and the mollisols in other countries of the world were the product of the same period, formed about 6000 years apo.