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他态度生硬。He is stiff in manner.

他举止活泼轻快。He has a breezy manner.

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她丰姿绰约。Her manner is graceful.

他的态度令我厌烦。His manner irritates me.

我喜欢妳包容我的好脾气。I love your good manner.

她有着媚人的神态。She has charming manner.

他抱着一种非他莫属的态度。He has a possessive manner.

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雷母则是神态平和。Ray mother is gentle manner.

他们的态度很生硬。Their manner was rather stiff.

表达方式要克制。Control your manner of wording.

他的举止近乎粗野。His manner touched on rudeness.

我痛恨他的独断作风。I resent his dictatorial manner.

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我们真讨厌他那种讲话方式。His manner of talking sickens us.

她的态度有几分傲慢。His manner partakes of insolence.

他的态度带有几分傲慢。His manner partakes of insolence.

他的举止看上去很俗气。His manner seemed rather boorish.

我不喜欢他那幅专横的态度。I dislike his dictatorial manner.

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他的态度近乎不礼貌。His manner verges on impoliteness.

她的态度有点冷淡。Her manner partook of an aloofness.

那位先生举止文雅。The gentleman is refined in manner.