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我说出售,对它而言还是一种屈尊。I say sell out, andI sayithas a condescension toit.

不要在你的智慧中夹杂着傲慢。不要使你的谦虚心缺乏智慧。You shall not do wisely mixing pride. No making your condescension lack wisdom.

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这种中国式的谦虚在资本主义的竞争市场是行不通的。This kind of Chinese style condescension in the capitalism competitive market is invalid.

从爸爸那里我学到做人的基本道理。诚实,谦虚。可能这是每个人最起码应该有的。Father told me how to conduct myself. Honesty, Condescension. Maybe this is the basal tenet.

我所得到的声望是掺杂许多疑问的,甚至有不少姑息宽容的成分。The little reputation I had acquired was mixed with plenty of doubt and not a little of condescension.

而现在,因为他的诚实和善良,艾薇塔要保护他不受柳妲的轻蔑和嘲讽。And now, because he was honest and good, Ivetta wanted to protect him from Luda’s sneering condescension.

尽管这封信对班纳特家的态度很高傲,但它开始消除伊丽莎白对达西的偏见。Despite its condescension toward the Bennet family, the letter begins to allay Elizabeth's prejudice against Darcy.

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这次将不再有消毒剂,也不再会有奥巴马所抱怨的他们初次见面时那种恩赐一样的态度。This time there was to be no sanitiser and none of the condescension that Obama complained of on the first occasion.

我们的“屈尊”一词来自于,弗吉尼亚的领袖应该对自己的下级表示的一种礼仪性态度。Our word "condescension" comes from a ritual attitude that leading Virginians were supposed to display to their inferiors.

在罗切斯特于桑菲尔德庄园举行的一个晚会上,贵族味十足的布兰奇及其朋友以傲慢不逊的态度对待简。At a party Rochester gives in Thornfield Manor, the aristocratic Blanche and her friends treat Jane with haughty condescension.

配图文字交织着对中国传统的仰慕和屈尊俯就——当时的西方人认为有些传统很野蛮。The accompanying texts were a mix of admiration and condescension for traditions thatWesterners of the time considered primitive.

所以,受了伤害的新手有时认为屈尊俯就的实际上更多的是教人顺着路线学骑自行车。So what the wounded newcomers sometimes interpret as condescension is actually more along the lines of teaching someone to ride a bicycle.

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我们痛恨腐烂到骨子里的大小官,只讲特权而且毫不隐藏对我们的蔑视或屈尊。We hate officials, big or small, who are corrupt to the bone and get all the perks and yet never hide their contempt or condescension for us.

当其他男孩子们拿出帕蒂和沃尔特不肯买给他的玩具或者游戏在他面前显摆的时候,他脸上会挂着一幅“我才瞧不上”的微笑,相当地令人恼火。He perfected a highly annoying smile of condescension when faced with toys or games that other boys owned but Patty and Walter refused to buy him.

巴格拉季翁认为博尔孔斯基是个走红的靠得住的副官,所以他像首长厚爱部下那样接待他。Knowing Bolkonsky to be a favourite and trusted adjutant, Bagration received him with a commanding officer's special graciousness and condescension.

西方媒体和舆论对中国充满一种高高在上的屈尊态度,这就是西方唯一知道的、最适合所有人的态度。The Western press and public opinion are filled with condescension toward China, and the attitude that the West alone knows what is best for all peoples.

因为诗歌中体现出来的呼求、忏悔、仰望、赞美都是指向“你”的,而“你”的道成肉身以俯就的姿势亲临此岸。As reflected in poetry cry, repent, and look up and praise all point to "you", and "you" condescension of the Incarnation in order to visit this shore position.

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与其它只展示人生困境的作家不同,施玮在其文本中给出了从幽暗中转向的答案,那就是上帝俯就的爱。Only show the plight of other writers with different life, Shi Wei is given in the text in the shift from the dark answer to that is the love of God condescension.