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莎莉走到菲比旁,重重的躺了下来,把头枕在菲比的腹部上。Sally ran over and thudded her head into Phoebe’s midsection.

在靠近默茨冰山中间的地方,两侧日益增大的裂缝正在将该冰山削弱。The tongue is already weakened by growing rifts on both sides of its midsection.

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在最终完成版里,卢米娜拉重重打在一只虫子肚子上的一拳,让她意识到了这一点。In the finished episode, it's a meaty punch to a bug's midsection that clues her in.

看来这只花栗鼠被车撞过,腹部以下都不能动了。It looked like it had been hit by a car because it couldn't move anything behind its midsection.

他从身上撤去毯子,他看到他的整个身体中部都被整齐地打了绷带。He stripped the blankets from his body and saw that his entire midsection had been neatly bandaged.

天气预报员已预报了在国家中部地区的多条河流可能在未来几天内超出洪水位。Forecasters warn many rivers in the nation's midsection could crest above flood stage in the coming days.

局部减肥也是不太可能,所以光做各式的腹部运动并不会减掉上腹部的脂肪。Spot reduction is not possible either, so doing a lot of abs will not burn off the fat on your midsection.

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女孩应该逐渐地夹紧在他们的完全广大的索引和中指之间的香烟中央部分。Girls should gently clamp the midsection of the cigarette between their fully extended index and middle fingers.

在您的上腹部旋转一个圈可能听起来简单,但它同样可以达到锻炼的目的。Spinning a hoop around your midsection may sound simple, but it can take some practice to get the movement right.

你的身体会将过多的葡萄糖转化成脂肪储存在上腹部以便很快的获得能量。Your body converts excess glucose into fat, which is usually stored in the midsection for access to quick energy.

如果你正在同脂肪进行着一场艰苦卓绝的斗争,你的注意力大多会聚焦于你的腹部,因为腹部堆积的脂肪也许是最让你头疼的。If you're fighting the battle of the bulge, most of your attention — and frustration — is probably aimed at your midsection.

当灌满水后,守卫将踢打这个可怜人的肚子,直到其胃部破裂而死亡。Once that was finished, the guards would kick and beat the poor sap's midsection until his stomach lining burst and and death ensued.

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当灌满水后,守卫将踢打这个可怜人的肚子,直到其胃部破裂而死亡。Once that was finished, the guards would kick and beat the poor sap’s midsection until his stomach lining burst and and death ensued.

或者你也可以射中他的身体,然后再用强有力的一脚把他踢飞。Or you can stagger an enemy by shooting him in the midsection and then send him careening into his cohorts with a mighty roundhouse kick.

锄头落在蛇身中部的某个部位,响尾蛇从原先盘绕的姿势开始伸直身体,我又一声尖叫,朝蛇猛击了一下。The hoe connected somewhere in the snake's midsection. The rattler stretched out from its coiled position, and I yelled and struck again.

如果你只做胃部运动,你会遗漏你的核心肌肉,如腹肌、下背肌、上腹肌,也会丧失它们的力量。If you’re working on just your stomach, you miss out your core muscles such as abs, lower back and midsection and they lose their strength.

琳达的狙击步枪响了。猎人暴露的上腹部区域炸成了一团桔黄,但它奇迹般保持站立。Linda's sniper rifle cracked. The exposed region of the Hunter's midsection exploded in a mass of orange, but it remained miraculously upright.

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方法85例临床表现为黄疸,反复上腹部疼痛,恶心呕吐者均行ERCP、CT及MRI检查。Methods 85 patients with clinically presented jaundice, repeated midsection pain, nausea and vomitting underwent ERCP, CT and MRI examinations.

各城市竞相争夺奖项——基于戒烟、胆固醇降低,或抹平大肚腩的人数。Towns actually competed for prizes based on how many peoplestopped smoking or cut their cholesterol—or shaved a few inches offtheir midsection.

上腹部脂肪过多也容易诱发炎症并导致代谢病,比如高血压,中风和糖尿病。Fat concentration in the midsection is also thought to induce inflammation and trigger metabolic diseases including high blood pressure, stroke and diabetes.