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其重要的原料是手工制成的秸杆捆。The key ingredient is handmade straw bales.

亲手做一张卡片会花上妳很多时间。Making a handmade card takes you so much time.

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我们的地毯是用中国纯羊毛手工织成的。Our carpets are handmade of pure Chinese wool.

把刚剪下来的花放到这个手工制的篮子里。Put fresh cut flowers in this handmade basket.

紧身胸衣是一如既往钢去骨和手工。Corsetry is as always steel boned and handmade.

我有一套手工制作的大衣和帽子要送给皇后。I have a handmade coat and hat for the tsarina.

那些是尼泊尔手工制的。我在那买的。They were handmade in Nepal. I bought them there.

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制作梭织物品或者手工绳带的动作或者工艺。act or process or making tatting or handmade lace.

儡戏用的木偶道具大部分都是手工制作的。Most of the props used in puppet shows are handmade.

包边同样利用手工刺绣。On the sides of the bag is also handmade embroidery.

我喜欢那些看起来旧旧的、比较柔软的手工做出来的东西。I like something that's more worn, softer and handmade.

绝大多数物品是手工制造的,经济一般为自给自足型。Most goods are handmade and subsistence economy prevails.

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例如,极品的麦克纽杜雪茄都是纯手工制作。For example, the best of Mike Du cigars are pure handmade.

“一套为皇后手工做的大衣和帽子,”约瑟夫答道。"A handmade coat and hat for the tsarina, " replied Josef.

多个世纪以来,阿马尔菲城以其手工制纸出名。Amalfi has been famous for centuries for its handmade paper.

考虑到它是手工织成的,价格还算合理。Considering that it is handmade , the price seems reasonable.

这些精致的手工制作优盘尤其适合爱酒的人。These clever handmade USB drives are perfect for wine lovers.

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手工制成的圣诞树小挂件,小鸟迷们有福啦。Handmade Christmas ornaments made for the fans of Angry Birds.

这件女式睡衣的袖孔和领口都镶着一圈手织花边。The nightdress has handmade lace round the armholes and neckline.

我们有各式各样的桌上用品,均是采用无树手工纸制作。There are various desktop items made in tree-free handmade paper.