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低温可以促进夏卵滞育的解除。Low temperature can terminate diapause of eggs in summer.

但随着海拔高度上升,冬季滞育开始出现。But winter diapause comes into existence at high altitudes.

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短光照对滞育的诱导作用具有累积效应。Short daylength had a cumulative effect on diapause induction.

光周期对幼虫滞育的影响不大。Photoperiod brings for the little effect on the diapause of larvae.

高温可解除家蝇幼虫的滞育。The diapause of housefly larvae can be terminated by high temperature.

利用人工气候箱,研究了温度对美凤蝶滞育蛹发育的影响。The impact of temperature on diapause pupae development of Papilio memnon L.

但是,为了能完成它的旅程,夏天最后一代的蝴蝶会进入滞育期。However, to get around that the last generation of the summer enters a diapause.

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此外,寄主生理状态和寄主丰富度也是影响寄生蜂滞育的重要因子。The influence of host morphs on diapause are most prominent in aphid parasitoids.

充足稳定的实验蝴蝶难以获得,是目前研究蝴蝶滞育的一个难点。One of the difficulties of the study in diapause is how to get enough butte flies.

第一代部分幼虫和第二代大部分幼虫滞育。Some larvae of the first generation and most of the second generation were diapause.

本文同时对寄生蜂滞育的研究及应用前景也一并作了展望。Prospects for research on, and application of, diapause in parasitic wasps are discussed.

阿特梅尔孢囊是阿特梅尔蚤的休眠卵,栖息于咸水水库。Artemia cyst is the diapause egg of the artmeia hopper, dwelling in the salt-water reservoirs.

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说明不同地理种群的中华稻蝗卵滞育率存在着地理变异。These suggested that egg diapause shows obvious geographic variation in different populations.

本文就光周期和温度对滞育后成虫生物学特性的影响进行了研究。Effects of photoperiod and temperature on the life history traits of post diapause adults in C.

目的探讨温度和光周期对家蝇幼虫滞育的影响。Objective To explore the effects of temperature and photoperiod on diapause of housefly larvae.

蝴蝶养殖业的发展将有利于推动蝴蝶滞育研究。So, the breeding technology on butterflies should be improved, and promote the research of diapause.

滞育解除后,开始进行减慢消化阶段及第二连续消化阶段。The reduced digestion and second continuous digestion would occur after the termination of diapause.

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诱导夏季滞育的长日照和诱导冬季滞育的短日照对滞育诱导效果是不同的。Long days inducing summer diapause and short day inducing winter diapause have different inductive effects.

在北方的一化性种群中,滞育强度随着纬度的降低而增强。In addition, diapause intensity increased as the original latitude decreased within the northern univoltine area.

滞育蛹脂肪含量高于非滞育蛹,二者在预蛹期的差异达显著水平。Fat content of diapause pupae was higher than that of non-diapause pupae , the difference of pre- pupae was significant.