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她自己就是一注无价的嫁奁。She is herself a dowry.

是母亲的陪嫁物吗?Was it a dowry of mother's?

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只是你的陪嫁品。The dowry being only you is tasted.

我想知道,难道嫁妆取决于吨位吗?I wonder if the dowry depends on tonnage?

我们仍持怀疑态度,对于母亲娘家来说,那陪嫁物又有些寒酸。We still doubt it in that it's a little inferior as a dowry.

本拉登的前保镖则声称,他曾帮忙给新娘家寄过彩礼。Bin Laden's then-bodyguard claimed to have delivered the dowry.

我父亲送给我妹妹的未婚夫一辆汽车作为嫁妆。My father portioned the car to my sister's fiance for the dowry.

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新娘的父母通常都买一整套的家用电器作为嫁妆陪嫁。A bride's parents often buy a whole set of white goods as a dowry.

我又怎能抱愧地说我的妆奁就是贫穷。How could I utter for shame that I keep for my dowry this poverty.

相反,如果是儿子的话,就会在将来的某天带回一位新娘和丰厚嫁妆。A boy, on the other hand, will one day bring home a bride and dowry.

雪落成诗,醉了梅,醉了清凉的月,醉了伊人的红妆。The poetry of snow, drunk plum, drunk the cool months, drunk her dowry.

柳家老太太勉强答应了,条件是徐家要送一头耕牛做嫁妆。Liu's old lady reluctantly agreed, is Alex to send a head of cattle as a dowry.

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奇普库戈尔解释,肯尼亚男人按未来新娘的水准提出他的嫁妆。In Kenya, a man proposes with dowry for the prospective bride, Chepkurgor explained.

在离婚后的妆奁与抚养费用上,妇女的合法权益一般得到了法院的保护。Women's rights to dowry and alimony after divorce were generally protected by the court.

伊尹,宰相,曾是汤的妻子陪嫁奴隶,在厨房干活。Yi Yin, the prime minister, had been a dowry slave of Tang's wife working in the kitchen.

在那个地区,妇女的嫁妆不仅仅是财富的象征,还是权利的象征。In that area, women’s dowry is more than a symbol of wealth, it is also a symbol of power.

他还觉得如果我因为上大学而欠了债,那就是一笔价值为负的嫁妆,那样的话就没人愿意娶我了。And he thought that if I had college debt — a negative dowry — no one would want to marry me.

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据说有三个姐妹因为没钱办嫁妆而不能结婚。It is believed that three poor sisters could not marry because they had no money for a dowry.

隔天,牛郎与织女闪电结婚。玉帝还送了牛当嫁妆。The tomorrow, the two got lightning marriage. And, the Jade Emperor sent Cowherd an ox as dowry.

穷的家庭能得到嫁妆,或者甚至可能嫁入一个有较高社会地位的家庭。Poorer families can either get a dowry or maybe even marry into a family of higher social standing.