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你要不要看公共电视台在演的那一部电影?Do you want to watch the movie on PBS?

该片记录了第二次世界大战并于2007年首次在PBS公映。It chronicled World War II and premiered on PBS in the U.S. in 2007.

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PBS也不允许用户将视频嵌入到其他站点上去,这点很让人遗憾。PBS does not allow users to embed any of its shows on other sites, which is quite a shame.

公共广播、电视节目制作人声称,他们知道他们的节目对孩子们可能产生怎样的影响。PBS and show producers claimed they understood how their programming could influence children.

一部由美国公共广播电视公司“前线”栏目组制作的、展示系列报道和采访过程的视频。A video produced by PBS Frontline previews the series and illuminates the process of reporting.

美国广播公司、哥伦比亚广播公司、美国全国广播公司、纽约时报甚至连美国公共电视台都提供周二晚间节目的网络直播。ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, The New York Times and even PBS are all offering live webcasts Tuesday night.

凝集反应受温度、PBS离子浓度以及时间等因素的影响。Its agglutinating activity was influenced by the temperature, reaction time and concentrating of ion of PBS.

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还会鉴定出一幅透纳的画“他的一些新研究将会出现在PBS即将播映的纪录片中。Fingered another Turner, too.” Some of his new research was to be featured in an upcoming documentary on PBS.

提出了一种新的激光光化学三元反应体系,用于制备硫化铅薄膜。In this paper, we proposed a new laser photochemical ternary reactive system for preparing the PbS thin film.

与没有PBS材质的时候相比,全新的编辑器尝试用更容易的方法使用PBS材质。The new editor tries to make it easier to work with PBS materials than what it was with non-PBS materials before.

这门课主要源于1985年在美国公共广播公司播出的系列电视节目“龙之心”。The course is based largely on a video series called "The Heart of the Dragon" which was broadcast over PBS in 1985.

他们应该可以从沙巴团结党以前的处境获得提示,团结党是一个强大的沙巴本土政党,并且没有受国阵控制约九年之久。They should take the cue from PBS which was a very strong Sabah-based party and free from BN control for about nine years.

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结论结节周围支扩征对肺结核球的诊断有较大的价值。Conclusion It is obvious that the PBS around nodules is of important value to tuberculoma diagnosis and different diagnosis.

在PBS的系列片中,你采访了许多人,他们告诉你他们的祖父母与丘吉尔会见和交往的故事。In the PBS series, you speak to a number of people who tell stories of their grandparents meeting and interacting with Churchill.

在VITA混合公共电视网1545年美国最保守的电子产品提供完好的灵敏性,定制顺序为您的忙碌作业。The Vita-Mix PBS 1545 state-of-the-art electronics provide complete flexibility in customizing the programs for your busy operation.

PBS节目“星之扉”的主持人杰克·霍克海默称这次月食为“月亮,指环王,狮心之月食”Jack Horkheimer, host of the PBS show "Star Gazer, " called the event "the moon, the lord of the rings and heart of the lion eclipse."

为向中国客户提供高质量并且低成本的解决方案,法玛碧欧项目团队即包括欧洲也包括中国工程师。To provide a high quality but cost effective solution to its clients in China, PBS project team includes both European and Chinese engineers.

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总的来说,这个新视频门户将会突出20个节目中的130集的视频内容,而且PBS承诺将在未来几周添加更多的电视节目。In total, the new portal will feature about 130 episodes from 20 shows, and PBS promises to add more shows and episodes over the next few weeks.

被考释词条的数目正好反映了某一类职官在当时社会生活中的重要程度,数目越多说明当时那种职官越重要。The number of explained words just reflected the degree of importance some PBs owned in social life at that time, more quantity, more important.

在与警报器的释放,萨沙和肖纳一起进行选择从对全国公共广播特别节目,天之声专辑。In conjunction with Siren's release, Sasha & Shawna performed selections from the album on the nationally broadcast PBS special, Heavenly Voices.