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苏格兰的冠军庆祝胜利!Scottish cham ps celebrate victory!

父亲索湛,担任过北地太守。Sok Cham father, served as the North and in full.

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占族是个少数民族,另外我听说占族的族人们都是穆斯林。I heard Cham people are muslim, and they are ethnic minority.

漫步在湛河,秋天为这个城市递上清爽。Walking in Cham River, the city handed him fresh for the fall.

湛纸集团是投资在新的帘式涂布技术。Cham Paper Group is investing in new curtain coating technology.

本厂技术力量雄厚,生产设备先进,工艺技术湛,检测手段完善。Our strong technical force, advanced production equipment, process technology Cham , perfect detection means.

基于CHAM模型,提出了通用LTS状态树生成算法,并使用实例验证了该算法。The LTS state tree generation algorithm based on CHAM is presented, and validated with a typical in examples.

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东临烈士纪念馆和湛山寺、南接疗养区、西、北中山公园、榉林公园。Martyrs Memorial and the Cham Shan Monastery east, south resort area, West, North Zhongshan Park, Beech Forest Park.

在2009年平顶山市举行的“湛河杯”作文竞赛中,所辅导的学生作文荣获一等奖。" Pingdingshan City in 2009 at the "Cham Creek Cup" essay contest in the counseling of students won first prize in composition.

本集讲述了卡图恩科国王被说服与绝地大师尤达见面,以及共和国对查姆·辛杜拉进行援助的原委。It establishes how King Katuunko was convinced enough to meet with Jedi Master Yoda, and the Republic effort that assisted Cham Syndulla.

最后,给出面向制造企业供应链管理集成平台中的工作流管理系统模型。At last, the Workflow Management System model of the Integrated Manufacturing Enterprise-Oriented Supply Cham Management Platform is given.

采用GC-MS计算机联用仪,对蔓荆子不同炮制品的挥发油进行了分析研究。Components of volatile oil in differently processed products of Vitex trifolia var. simplicifolia Cham. were analysed with GC-MS-computer method.

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华博士罗马洋甘菊,夏季采集优质新疆洋甘菊晒干而成,纯天然、污染。Hua doctor RomanChammomilla Cham is made of Xinjiang Chammomilla Cham gathered in summer through drying in the sun, purely natural and pollution free.

拉尼尔与外孙吉米·沙姆布莱一家同住在俄亥俄州沃伦斯维尔海茨,22日在当地老年活动中心举办119岁生日聚会,称自己“身体挺好”。Brian Lanier and grandson Jimmy Cham live in a Warrensville Heights, Ohio, 22 organized at the local center for senior citizens 119 years old birthday party, said he "very good health."

透过鞑靼舞蹈、颂赞和唱念咒文,揭示金刚乘的中心意思从而达到精神上的宇宙整体。The subtle nuances and uses of ancient techniques like the Cham dances, chanting of mantras, use of mudras are presented in an experiential style, which reveals the inner meaning behind them.