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生产者蜡丸戴维斯。The producer was Lawan Davis.


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这是产生Lawan戴维斯。It was produced by Lawan Davis.

三人均未受伤。All three were unhurt, Davis said.

戴维斯先生,我能问你点事情吗?Can I ask you something. Mr. Davis ?

不同的是现在他坐在戴维斯的位子上。Only now with him in the Davis role.

他昨天在巴黎无意间碰上了戴维斯。He ran into Davis in Paris yesterday.

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菲利普说“永远不要透露自己的预算。“Never reveal your budget, ” said Mr. Davis.

饥饿的妇女们对杰佛逊·戴维斯实施了抢劫Hungry ladies effectively mugged Jefferson Davis

其中最富有的人之一,是个名叫赫克托·戴维斯的男子One of the richest was a man named Hector Davis.

加菲猫是漫画家吉姆·维斯的笔下产物。Garfield is the creation of cartoonist Jim Davis.

我是华盛顿大学的戴维斯教授。This is .Davis from the University of Washington.

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空军上校约瑟夫.戴维斯却有其他想法。AirForce Colonel Joseph Davis Jr. had other ideas.

好吧,如果大胡子戴维斯要走,我们就把他交易了。OK, if Baron Davis has to go, then we'll trade him.

请叫我彼得吧,“戴维斯先生”听起来老气横秋的。Peter, please. " Mr. Davis" makes me sound ancient.

戴维斯说还发现一个未爆炸的装置。An unexploded device was also recovered, Davis said.

戴维斯警告说,对此,南方是永远不会接受的。Davis warned that the South would never accept this.

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珊特尔•戴维斯是一位九岁的纽约小女孩。Shantelle Davis is a nine-year-old girl in New York.

叫我彼得吧,叫戴维斯先生听起来太老气了。Peter, please. "Mr. Davis" makes me sound so ancient.

我是华盛顿大学的戴维斯教授。This is Prof.Davis from the University of Washington.