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他不讲理。He is not amenable to reason.

在这大干世界上,需要的是一种容人悔改的美德。Virtue. in the great world, should be amenable.

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一些用户可能无法接受长距离的同步。Some will not be amenable to long-distance synchronizations.

我哥哥是名业余的摄影师,又是个言听计从的人。My brother is an amateur photographer and a very amenable individual.

他们想要和服从配合的黑铁矮人同胞沟通又有什麽错呢?What is wrong with reaching out to the Dark Irons if they are amenable?

民主党则表示只要是选择反对卡拉迪克的候选人都是可以接受的。The Democrats who had pledged to vote against Mr Craddick were amenable.

事实上,一些雇用方好像比以前更容易接受这样的机制。Indeed, some employers seem to be more amenable to this than in the past.

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这不意味着所有的程序都顺从顺序的解决方案。This doesn't mean that all programs are amenable to sequential solutions.

我要感谢卢卡巴多尔,应为他在法拉利最危难的时候帮助了法拉利。I wish to thank Luca Badoer who, once again has been so amenable towards Ferrari.

群众愈没有文化,就愈容易被人愚弄,愈容易服从长官意志。The more there is no culture, the more easily fooled, more amenable to magisterial volition.

强化这种观念并不能使人民对国内令人痛苦的变化的忍受力有所加强。Fostering this belief is hardly a way to make people more amenable to painful changes at home.

别人朝你的右耳讲话,你就会把所听到的内容传到一个更“对味”的半脑中。Talk into the right ear and you send your words into a slightly more amenable part of the brain.

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哺乳类还要复杂,不过,即使是它们都可能适合这种灭绝建模。Mammals are more complex still, but even they might be amenable to this sort of extinction modeling.

适合采用高阶函数来解决的问题不仅限于函数式语言中。The problems amenable to solution by using higher-order functions aren't unique to functional languages.

乍一看来,对于家庭垃圾的处理只要使用高科手段就万事大吉了。DISPOSING of household rubbish is not, at first glance, a task that looks amenable to high-tech solutions.

欧洲,由于它的古老,有鹅卵石的街道和隐秘花园,便于人们漫步于其中。With its older cities, Europe is more amenable to meandering.Think cobblestone streets and hidden gardens.

陆莳千没有回舞厅,直接出了秋赫家,信步往前走着。Six Shis thousand have no antistrophic auditorium, direct autumn He house, take a promenade to go amenable.

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适宜用原地浸出工艺开发的砂岩型铀矿床大多产于厚覆盖的荒漠、戈壁、半丘陵等景观地区。ISL amenable sandstone-type deposits often occur in the area with thick cover of wilderness, desert and hill.

最近几年,作为一个基于知识的学科,生物信息学被变的更加经得起计算机检验。In recent years, as a knowledge-based discipline, bioinformatics has been made more computationally amenable.

一种可能办到的将是使用基因变异技术来培植出能够顺应试验的植物。One possibility would be to use genetic modification to create plants that are more amenable to such manipulation.