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一个斐济岛的暗礁爆炸了,一群有颜色的小鱼群游过去。Fijian reef explodes in color as a school of anthias swims past.

斐政府感谢中国多年来一直向斐提供援助。The Fijian government thanks China for its assistance over the years.

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伊洛伊洛说,斐济人民对中国怀有友好的感情。Iloilovatu said that the Fijian people hold friendly feelings towards China.

最新梳理统计显示,全市范围内的155条马路有重名现象。The latest statistics show that out, the road is within 155 Fijian phenomenon.

贾庆林说,中斐两国人民的友谊源远流长。Jia said that the Chinese and Fijian people enjoy a long history of friendship.

当日,贾庆林还会见了斐济参议长万加瓦卡通加。On the same day Jia also met with Taito Waqavakatoga, President of the Fijian Senate.

斐方重申将一如既往地坚定奉行一个中国政策。The Fijian leaders also reiterated their country's adherence to the one-China policy.

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在岛上所遇之人让我真正觉得这次斐济之行非常难忘。It was really the people I met on the island that made my Fijian experience unforgettable.

恩加拉塞重申,斐政府将继续坚持一个中国政策。Qarase reiterated that the Fijian government will continue to pursue the one-China policy.

我咨询了南太平洋旅行社的专家,请他推荐一处可以让我们体验真正的斐济的休闲旅游之处。I asked a South Pacific travel specialist to recommend a resort that would give us a taste of real Fijian life.

我们的斐济导游杰西给我们介绍了几个壮观的瀑布,这些瀑布在一个村庄南部附近的地方。Our Fijian guide, Jesse, showed us some spectacular waterfalls in Bouma and near a village just south of there.

晚间的宁静展示一条钓鱼船通过遥远的瓦努阿岛海滨,该岛是斐济岛屿300多个中的一个。Evening calm ushers a fishing boat past the distant shores of Vanua Levu island, one of 300-plus Fijian islands.

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希望今后继续得到恩加拉塞总理和斐济政府坚定、明确的支持。China hopes to gain the firm and clear-cut support from Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase and the Fijian government.

斐济军队包围了恩加拉塞的官邸和政府办公大楼,并且在首都部份地区设置路障。Fijian troops surrounded Mr. Qarase's house and government buildings, and set up roadblocks in parts of the capital.

恩加拉塞总理首先向江主席转达了伊洛伊洛总统的亲切问候和良好祝愿。Laisenia Qarase first conveyed Fijian President Josefa Iloilo's cordial greeting and good wishes to President Jiang.

列队进入整洁的煤渣砖盖成的教室,校长穿着传统的斐济苏禄裙,带着领带,上身短夹克,热情地欢迎我们。The headmaster, wearing the traditional Fijian sulu, a man's wraparound skirt, plus a tie and jacket, greeted us warmly.

花园一样美妙的景观让瓦卡亚俱乐部的收费同样惊人。A garden-view bure , or Fijian cottage suite, at The Wakaya Club doesn't come cheap, and the minimum stay is five nights.

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斐济人民珍视并将永远铭记伟大中国人民的友好情谊。He said that the Fijian people would always remember the friendly sentiments cherished by the Chinese people towards them.

他研究斐济卡达屋岛上据称几万年未活动的火山。His studies of volcanoes on the Fijian island of Kadavu indicated they had not been active for tens of thousands of years.

伊洛伊洛表示斐济政府坚定奉行一个中国政策,这一方针不会改变。He reaffirmed the adherence of the Fijian government to the one-China policy, adding that this would not change in any way.