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埃斯特角和首都蒙得维的亚是主要旅游地。Punta del Este and Montevideo , the capital is a major tourist destination.

而新盘主要集中荔湾西部,以南岸路和康王路为主。Lai Wan and the new site was concentrated in the western, mainly to Coast Road and Montevideo Road.

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直到14岁时我才起头靠踢球赚钱,那时我被蒙得维的亚的平易近族队选中。It wasn't until I was 14 that I started playing football seriously when I was selected by Nacional de Montevideo.

当他七岁时随家人搬到了首都蒙得维的亚市,那儿那里布满尘埃的街道正是苏亚雷斯起头踢球的处所。When he was seven he moved to Montevideo and it was on the dusty streets of the capital that Suarez developed his skills.

进出乌拉圭首都蒙得维的亚的航班也被取消,影响到数以千计的旅客。And many flights in and out of the Uruguayan capital Montevideo have also been cancelled, affecting thousands more travellers.

随着产能扩大,仅首都蒙得维的亚接入该公司供水网络的人口就新增了23.5万。The expansion of water production capacity has allowed OSE to connect over 235,000 additional people in metropolitan Montevideo alone.

苏牙的第一主队是乌拉圭的蒙得维的亚国际队,但是利村也是小小苏牙的梦想之一。The Uruguay international supports his first club, Montevideo de Nacional, but that's not to say Anfield wasn't on his radar as a youngster.

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特维斯打了84分钟,但安德森没有为巴西队上阵。他们客场4-0击败了乌拉圭。Carlos Tevez completed 84 minutes but there was no action for Anderson in another South American qualifier, Uruguay 0-4 Brazil in Montevideo.

比利时和美国只在1930年的世界杯相遇过一次,两队均是第一次征战世界杯,最终以美国3比0大胜告终。Belgium and USA have met just once before in the World Cup, in what was for both their first World Cup game in 1930. The US ran out 3-0 winners in Montevideo.

乌拉圭首都蒙得维的亚正是这个计划的第一个客户,目前,在蒙得维的亚,已经有几乎一半的学童拥有了一台笔记本电脑。Uruguay's capital Montevideo was the first to implement the Plan. And more than half of the school student in the city has already had their own personal laptop.

世界杯历史上欧洲球队只有一次没有进入决赛,在1930年蒙得维的亚世界杯上,由南美的邻国乌拉圭和阿根廷角逐决赛。Only once in FIFA World Cup history has there been no European team in the final, in 1930 when neighbours Argentina and Uruguay battled it out for glory in Montevideo.

维德斯19岁,中场球员,来自乌拉圭的蒙特维德奥队,卡达奇奥也司职中场,即将完成从德芬索竞技队转会的手续。The former is a 19-year-old midfielder who has arrived from Nacional Montevideo . The latter, also a midfielder, is expected to soon complete his transfer from Defensor Sporting.

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这名乌拉圭20岁以下国家队前锋1988年3月11日出生于蒙得维的亚,他曾经随青年竞技俱乐部在第58届狂欢节杯中夺冠,之后于去年夏天加盟国际米兰。The Uruguayan Under-20 international striker, born in Montevideo on 11 March 1988, won the 58th Carnival Cup with Club Atletico Juventud before signing for Inter's academy last summer.

而今天击败塞黑队的比赛也是他们自从1930年在蒙得维地亚6-3战胜墨西哥以来首次在上半场就灌入对手3球。Today's defeat of Serbia and Montenegro was also the first time they have scored three goals in the first half of a FIFA World Cup game since 1930 when they beat Mexico 6-3 in Montevideo.

何塞·穆希卡放弃了政府为他提供的总统豪宅,毅然选择居住在妻子家的农舍,地点就在首都蒙得维亚郊外一条泥泞的土路旁。President Mujica has shunned the luxurious house that the Uruguayan state provides for its leaders and opted to stay at his wife's farmhouse, off a dirt road outside the capital, Montevideo.

苏亚雷斯和同胞科茨本周飞回了乌拉圭参加周五和智利的比赛,而下周二他们也将在罗马和意大利进行一场友谊赛。Suarez and Reds defender Sebastian Coates face a hectic international break with Friday's qualifier against Chile in Montevideo followed by a friendly against Italy in Rome next Tuesday night.

鉴于此,乌拉圭当局的有关部门已经正式宣布将委托乌拉圭驻伦敦大使馆不惜一切代价为苏亚雷斯进行辩护。Officials in Montevideo want the help of the Uruguay embassy in London to back Suárez's argument that the words Patrice Evra reported would not be considered offensive in parts of South America.

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当我回首回头回忆曩昔我想到我所有的伴侣都长年夜了,我在所有蒙得维的亚那些街道和场地上都踢过球,但我仍然不由自立地为我曾经取得的成就骄傲不已。When I look at my past I think about all my friends growing up, all the dirt fields and streets of Montevideo that I had played on, but I can't help but to feel very proud of what I have achieved.

然后他躲在德国,最终在乌拉圭的蒙得维的亚成为一个海上交易商,随后创建了参与西班牙战争的阿根廷海军。Then he escaped the Germans, before eventually ending up Montevideo , Uruguay, where he became a sea trader, and later ended up founding the Argentine navy, which was involved in a war against Spain.