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但是这并不能否定它们。But that does not invalidate them.

是的,我们可以使指纹无效。Yes, we can invalidate that fingerprint.

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当事人协商一致,可以变更合同。No such Variation shall vitiate or invalidate this Contract.

任何该等变更都不会影响本合同或造成本合同失效。No such Variation shall vitiate or invalidate this Contract.

证书未经证明而涂改应属无效。Uncertified alterations or erasures shall invalidate the certificates.

向资源添加未指定的属性不会使数据无效。Adding unspecified properties to a resource does not invalidate the data.

这意味着添加或者移除一个空格将会使签名无效。That means a single added or removed space will invalidate the signature.

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缓存规则通常有一个时间段,在该时间段中等待以使缓存项失效。Cache rules often have a time period in which to wait to invalidate the cache entry.

一种补充方法是,当底层数据改变时,让缓存的数据项失效。A complementary method is to invalidate the cached entry when the underlying data changes.

当此事件击发时,清理器也会击发,并可让缓存内的特定页面到期失效。When that event fires, the sweeper will fire, and can invalidate selected pages in the cache.

只有被质量控制小组发现,否则这些帖子是可以计入有效发布的。This would normally invalidate their posts but only if it is spotted by the quality control team.

那些寻求贬低、无谓争辩、伤害或孤立的人是非支持类型的人类。Those who seek to belittle, invalidate argue, harm or violate are non-supportive types of humans.

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如果知道用户使用完了会话,可以使容器不再处理它并使它作废。If you know that the user is done with the session, save the container the work and invalidate it.

第三,最高法院将它认为不符合宪法的法律裁定为无效。And third, the Court would invalidate laws that it believed were in conflict with the Constitution.

但是它们并没有让孟德尔的见解失效,相反,孟德尔的见解成为了现代遗传学的基石。But they do not invalidate Mendel's insights, which have become the cornerstone of modern genetics.

它们并不能够互相牴触无效,如同告解及赦免并没有互相牴触无效。They do not invalidate one another, just as confession and absolution do not invalidate one another.

“查达”案看来好像使在当时已载入书册的近200种立法否决策略全部无效。Chadha appeared invalidate all of the nearly 200 legislative veto devices that were then on the books.

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任何源文件的改变将使程序集作废并且创建下次请求时会引发一次重新编译的过程。Any change in the filedep file will invalidate the assembly and cause a new compile process on the next request.

男人若不认同女人的感觉,女人又以否定来回应他,大部分的争论就会因此扩大。Most arguments escalate when a man begins to invalidate a woman's feelings and she responds to him disapprovingly.

缓存通常为自我管理的单元,根据缓存实现,可以排除条目或使其失效。A cache is typically a self-managed unit that can evict or invalidate entries dependent on the cache implementation.