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她也是我今年教的BEC班的学生.She is also my student in BEC class this year.

成为菁英的工具,商务英语引领你走向成功。The tools for the top, BEC steers you towards success.

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使用舵机数量超过了电调的容量。Not exceeding the number of servos rated for your specific BEC.

BEC带给我的不仅是知识,还有宝贵的友情!BEC not only brought to me knowledge, but also precious friendship!

我有报关员证。会计证,还有剑桥商务英语证书。I have customs declaration certificate, accountant certificate and passed BEC.

我想没有任何考生在考BEC高级前可以百分百肯定地说他可以考得第一名.None of the candidates can say for sure that he can get No.1 before he takes the BEC Higher.

本公司成立于2006年,位于中国有小五金之乡之称金利镇,吉安五金厂。Thepany bec in 2006, is located in China have called the hardware factory township positions.

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本文的研究成果将为实现在现有的五轴数控磨床上加工或修磨球头立铣刀的产业化作准备。In this paper, the results of research prepare for processing BEC on this five-axis NC grinder.

日本佬不敢攻击中国的船只,因为他们自始自终都躲在美国的裙底下。Japos are afraid to attack Chinese ships bec they are hiding under American miniskirt all the time.

从此以后,他再也没有教我怎么学英语了,倒是问起我怎么备战BEC了。Since then, he never teaches me how to learn English any more but asks me how to prepare for the BEC.

BEC羊胎素美容霜是一种男女皆宜的美容产品。BEC Yang Taisu improves looks the frost is one kind of male and female all suitable cosmetology product.

在接下来的30年中,他著述了大量哲学理论著作,并被任命为拜克地区大修道院院长。During the next thirty years he wrote his philosophical and theological works and was appointed Abbot of Bec.

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BEC就是剑桥商务英语,有初级,中级和高级三个等级的!BEC means Cambridge Business English Certificate. It has three levels, namely preliminary, vantage and higher.

用自己的汗水收获了第一份喜悦,BEC的学习之路将越来越宽广!I had harvested the first pleasure with my sweats and the way to learn BEC was broadening with time passing by.

BEC的课程快结束了,12月初你们就要踏上真正的战场,BEC中级考试就要到来了。Our BEC course will soon come to an end.At the beginning of December you will step on the battlefield to fight.

直到BEC英语角开始时,他来参加我主持的BEC口语练习,他才目瞪口呆地望着我。until my BEC English corner began and he attended the oral English practice I held, he stared at me stunningly.

因此,BEC的研究人员习惯在真空腔旁,绕上强力却笨重的电磁铁。Consequently, BEC researchers got accustomed to surrounding their vacuum cells with powerful but cumbersome electromagnets.

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即使你的英文很好,但是在没有任何准备的情况下去参加象高级商务英语的考试都会是轻率的。It would be rash to try an exam like BEC Higher withoutshavingsdone any preparation at all, even if your English is very good.

采用平均场近似下的单粒子密度矩阵方法,初步研究了双阱中部分相干玻色体系的动力学性质。Based on the single-particle density matrix, we investigate some dynamical properties of a partly coherent BEC in double wells.

在考前我将BEC高级词汇背了三遍,直至将它们都印在了脑子里。广泛的词汇在考试中发挥了很大的作用。Before the exam I recited BEC words for three times until I could totally recognize them , which fianlly helped me a lot in the exam.