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谁的时区?Whose time zone?

锭蓝交易区。Dye trading zone.

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建造一个安乐窝。Build a comfort zone.

汽车尽行区。Car not-friendly zone.

左转待转区?。Left turn waiting zone?

创建无烟区。Create a smoke-free zone.

扩大你的舒适区。Expand your comfort zone.

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此处是禁烟区。Here is a smoke-free zone.

这里是一个自由贸易区。This is a free-trade zone.

我会整齐的把他圈出来“I'd zone out with regularity."

把它放在“禁止狗吠”区域。Put him in a"No Barking" zone.

你有购买松一松折扣卡吗?。Have you ever bought Zone Card?

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他们逃出了交战区。They escaped from the war zone.

第三个是酒店客房区。Third, the zone of hotel rooms.

逃避到你的无压力区域。Escape to your stress-free zone.

不行,这一带禁止停车。No, , this is a no-parking zone.

这里的限速是45英里每小时。This is a 45-mile-per-hour zone.

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西菲律宾海的防空区?Airdefense zone over West PH Sea?

您的舒适区到外面往。Get outside of your comfort zone.

我将守右前锋区域。I'll take the right forward zone.