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一块方糖。A lump of sugar.

我认为是,一个肿块。I think it is. A lump.

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她发现左乳有个硬肿块。A slight swelling or lump.

我是觉得喉咙哽住了。I felt a lump in my throat.

我撞在门上,头上肿起了一块。His hands are all of a lump.

爱情似那块金子一样。Love is like a lump of gold.

你是那个有了肿块的人。You are the one with a lump.

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他们采掘矿物。They dug against a lump of ore.

我答道,哽咽欲泣。I answered, a lump in my throat.

她发现左乳有个硬肿块。She found a lump in her left breast.

有一天,我注意到她皮肤上有个肿块。One day, I noticed a lump in her skin.

乳腺有肿物或肿块。There is a lump or mass in the breast.

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这儿看来有个硬块。There seems to be some sort of a lump.

一点面酵能使全团都发起来。A little leaven leavens the whole lump.

女孩咽下哽在喉咙里的东西。The girl swallows a lump at her throat.

我的幽灵喉咙突然像被什么可怕的东西哽住了。A ghostly lump came to my ghostly throat.

一点面酵能使全团都发起来。A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.

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加入过筛的面粉混合物,用橡皮刀翻至无颗粒状。Add the flour into batter, mix until no lump.

他把退休金一次领清,拿了一大笔钱。He commuted his pension into〔for〕 a lump sum.

土块,泥块一块或一团,尤指土或泥块。A lump or chunk , especially of earth or clay.