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奢侈的中产阶级家庭时髦小美女。Posh middle-class child chic.

她买了一顶漂亮的小帽子。She bought a chic little hat.

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潇洒的法国人并非没有人生追求。Chic French is not the pursuit of life.

把握青春年华,活得潇潇洒洒。So grasp the youth to lead a chic life.

卡特形容为“鸦片烟馆别致它。Carter describes it as "opium den chic."

再也没有比一双格纹鞋更别致的单品了。Nothing says chic like a pair of plaid shoes.

一个通用的新的海滩街别致的风格。A versatile new style for beach-to-street chic.

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温暖舒适的毛领,造型独特别致。Warm and comfortable fur collar, unique and chic.

有些爱,不能坚持,即使不舍,也只能够潇洒放弃。Some love can not insist we can only give up chic.

这是所有贴的照片中最爱的一个造型,那么舒适时髦。My fav of all these looks I post, so comfy and chic.

菊苣成了一九八○年代烹调艺术流行主要材料之一。Frisee become one of the chic staple of 1980s cookery.

我真的很喜欢有点古典、又有点图书管理员式的别致风格。I really like sort of classic, kind of librarian chic.

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时髦奢华的阿比让已成为西非纸醉金迷的迷魂窟。Chic flash abidjan has become the siren of west africa.

菊苣成了八十年代烹调艺术流行主要“材料”之一。Frisee became one of the chic staples of 1980s cookery.

这家时髦的饭店常有名人光顾。The chic restaurant is patronized by many celeb rities.

1932年,奇克·扬让勃朗黛和大梧坠入爱河。In 1932, Chic Young had Blondie and Dagwood fall in love.

很有高贵气质,很有“我在钱堆里打滚”的味道。It's chic. It has the "I roll around in money" signature.

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日内瓦,是一个制表业,珠宝业和别致时尚之都。Geneva, a city of watchmaking, jewellery, and chic fashion.

在爱的路上潇洒的我,遇上了比我更潇洒的你。Chic in the way of love me, even more handsome than I met you.

再穿一件风情万种的衬衫,搭配开襟羊毛衫,就是超级有型的周末装了。Add a flirty blouse and cardigan for a super chic weekend look.