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人类的理智本质上是有构造的。Human reason is by nature architectonic.

组成整体的部分或细节的集合。A work of art forming an architectonic whole.

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我们应该感谢成千上万的建筑工人。We should thank thousands of architectonic workers.

该项目是与建筑学技能设计师。This project is for designers with architectonic skills.

这一建筑上的奇迹已经成为奥斯陆的象征。This architectonic marvel has become the symbol of the city.

最终,这种能量转化成建筑实体研究设计的蓝图。In the end, that energy becomes the blueprint of the architectonic creation.

纯粹理性批判必须以建筑术的方式亦即从原则出发设计出整个蓝图。The critique of pure reason has to lay down the complete architectonic plan.

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瑞科雷塔公墓不仅是一座杰出的墓地,也是一件极有价值的建筑作品。Recoleta Cemetery is both an outstanding cemetery and a highly valuable architectonic piece.

由于个体知识结构的差异,认知结果因人而异。Since individual architectonic knowledge is different, cognition result vary with each individual.

编制施工组织方案,保证了施工安全,加快了施工进度。A architectonic project of construction is workouted which assures the safety and reduces the time.

哲学社会科学是人们认识社会运动的本质和规律的知识体系。Social science is an architectonic system for people to know the essence and law of social movement.

这个景色是在团队开始构思建筑方案时的其中一个立点依据。The sight was one of the pillars when the team initiated the conception of the architectonic solution.

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它是一座真实的室外画廊,一个独特的不同建筑风格和雕刻的展示。It is a true outdoors art gallery, a unique exhibition of different architectonic styles and sculptures.

中国古典建造范式已经终结,相应的形式风格已失去意义。The classical Chinese architectonic paradigm terminated, hence the form and style of it lost its significance.

应充分考虑岩石地基的物理力学性质及构造地质背景。It is very important to pay attention to the physical and mechanical qualities of the rock foundation and the architectonic geological setting.

本书的目的就在于纵观西班牙近代的众多低成本建筑项目,这些项目不少已经成为了历史的里程碑。The goal is to create a global vision of design in Spain today, featuring low budget projects, as well as recent large scale architectonic milestones.

这种双重朝向是建筑的基本元素,为的是制造动感效果,设计整体都是为了提升这一效果。This double orientation is the basis for the architectonic dynamic of the project, and the design is in all dimensions focused on enhancing this theme.

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这个项目的目标是创造一个在面积上,舒适度和建筑设计语言上都与年轻客户相匹配的设计。The goal of the design was a house that would, in its size, level of comfort and architectonic conception correspond to the modest needs of a young family.

这些简单,但清晰的建筑语言,让游客有机会享受与火山口其余部分不同的体验。These simple, but clear, architectonic gestures give the visitor the opportunity to have a different experience than what could be found in the rest of the crater.

把我自身置于一个我可以轻易的反映和推出社会、经济、符号、语言、建筑的价值观念的环境中。Placing myself in an environment where I will have to expediently reflect and push against alternated social, economic, semiotic, linguistic and architectonic values.