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当我有了一对尖锐的利爪。When I have a talon with a keen edge.

女性永远难逃减肥的魔爪。Woman can't run away from talon of slimming forever.

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你已经把我们带来这里了,队长,」加尔达说。You have brought us here, Talon Leader, " said Galdar."

如果你把一个爪SS,它不会有良好的抑制。If you put this on a Talon SS, it will not have sound suppression.

这种香料味道独特,是用鹰爪作原料制成的。This kind of spice is made of eagle's talon and has a unique flavour.

当鹰将近四十岁时,它的喙、利爪和羽毛都开始老化。When an eagle reached near 40, its beak, talon and feathers become weak.

修整了一个已经激活了以后该技能还可以被激活的错误。Fixed a bug where Three Talon Strike could be activated while it was still active.

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他低下头抵挡住风,蹒跚的走向其中一颗大石头。Head down against the wind, the talon leader lurched over to one of the monoliths.

历史上有些人把宋人笔记小说视为街谈巷语、道听途说的小说家言,并未给予足够的重视。Some people treat Song person's notes novel as street gossip and is not to be talon seriously.

一些技能的附加效果持续时间被延长,如巨龙钩爪。A few abilities have had the duration of the secondary effects extended, such as Dragon's Talon.

我想我的生意伙伴刚坐上我的三菱跑车的时候肯定非常紧张。I think my business colleague was a bit nervous when he first got into my Eagle Talon sports car.

扎卡里斯·根特在20岁刚出头时就已成为塔隆·卡尔德走私集团的重要成员。When just in his early 20s, Zakarisz Ghent was a vital part of Talon Karrde's smuggling operation.

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星空象童话一样扭在一起,树,还是建筑,象水草、炊烟或魔爪。Starry Night twisted together as a fairy tale, tree or building, like aquatic weed, smoke or talon.

鹰爪型牙阜是一种牙冠型态上的变异,它会发生于乳牙以及恒牙齿列。Talon cusp is a relatively infrequent anomaly that occurs in both primary and permanent dentitions.

这是经营者的魔爪控制单元。在屏幕显示的各种摄像机的意见。This is the operator control unit for the Talon. The screens show the views from the various cameras.

爪的平台不仅有两栖结构但并且被证明是高度耐久的。The platform of the TALON not only has an amphibious structure but is also proven to be highly durable.

被看作是眼睛的穿孔,其实是鸟的身体与爪之间的空隙。The perforation, which misinterpreted as eyes, actually is a gap between the body of a bird and its talon.

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缠绕着老鹰的另一只爪子的是一大团钓鱼线,代表我的钓鱼爱好。Wrapped around the eagle's other talon is a big ball of fishing line, which represents my love of fishing.

威泰龙企业不仅是一个开发产品的公司,更是一家开发人力资源的公司。Granville Talon enterprise is not only a product development company, is a human resources development company.

暗影迷宫钥匙现在可以在赛泰克大厅里利爪之王艾吉斯身边的“利爪之王的宝箱”中找到。The Shadow Labyrinth Key can now be looted from the Talon King's Coffer next to Talon King Ikiss in the Sethekk Halls.