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他的答复是含糊的。His answer was ambiguous.

语言很容易有歧义。Language can be ambiguous.

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这个净余的效果是不明确的。The net effect is ambiguous.

但是大多数的职称是模糊不清的。But most titles are more ambiguous.

避免含糊的和笼统的支出。Avoid ambiguous or general expenses.

早恋,一场暧昧的友谊。Puppy love, an ambiguous friendship.

电话号码间不存在歧义。Telephone numbers will not be ambiguous.

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乔伊斯对宗教的态度始终是暖昧的。Joyce's attitude to religion is ambiguous.

佩林对自己的未来闪烁其词。On her future, Palin was just as ambiguous.

后来我渐渐觉得这是隔雾看花。Slowly I felt that it was all very ambiguous.

身体的角色、地位暧昧不明。The identity and status of body was ambiguous.

我和他之间的暧昧都是言不由衷。He and I are ambiguous between the insincerely.

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沵能不能为了涐,远离所有暧昧。You can for me, far away from all the ambiguous.

他的信写得极为简单,表达含糊不清。His letter is very sample and expressed ambiguous.

我曾经指出,「欢爽」是一个模棱两可的术语。Jouissance, as I pointed out, is an ambiguous term.

也许可以,但对比却是模糊不清的。Perhaps, but the contrast is ambiguous and unclear.

这个模棱两可的答复使他无论回答“是”还是说“否”都不会受窘。Why are you always so ambiguous about this problem?

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所以,拥有了爱,就请别再沾惹暧昧!So, have love, please don't provoke ambiguous touch!

欢迎来到服务所有权的混沌世界。Welcome to the ambiguous world of service ownership.

他的信写得极为简单,表达含糊不清。His letter was very simple which expressed ambiguous.