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我发给你们一些辅助材料。I'm giving you an aid sheet.

有很多种经济支持形式。There's a lot of financial aid.

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第二是帮助超车。and secondly to aid overtaking.

在这里,像兄弟般互助。Here, like fraternal mutual aid.

我的个人老师帮助BRITTA!My Personal Teachers Aid BRITTA!

入声吕雷克医用助听器InSound Medical Lyric Hearing Aid

但是限制性援助会导致假冒伪劣。But tied aid leads to shoddy work.

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我的作业是作为学习辅助的。I give homework as a learning aid.

学习基本的急救和心肺复生术。Learn basic first aid and C. P. R.

在某种意义上你说的是真的。Wh at yous aid is in a sense true.

带上一个急救箱吧,以防万一。Bring a first aid kit just in case.

他请求部长给他以支持。He solicited aid from the minister.

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他们为资助慈善事业而举办表演会。They gave a show in aid of charity.

路人指了方向给我。The passerby gave me aid directions.

使用洗碗粉和过水增亮剂。Use dishwasher powder and rinse aid.

去年外援锐减。The foreign aid evaporated last year.

它都是关于国际援助的事务。and it's all about international aid.

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互助组织还受到其他方面的困阻。Mutual aid was hindered in other ways.

当初只有我一个人请求你帮助。Whil'st I alone did call upon thy aid.

还有一些救援物资将通过海上运输。And other aid shipments will go by sea.