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划区医疗、就近就便的保障是确保改革成功的关键。Treat regionally and expediently is the guarantee key that reform succeeds.

灌输安宁与过度温泉水区域的启发治疗。Instil tranquility with regionally inspired treatments in an over-water spa.

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我们希望专注于一个具体的地点,还是在某个地区或在全球开展工作?Do we wish to concentrate on a particular locale or work regionally or globally?

洪家的面条是用精挑细选、土生土长的原料制作的。The Hong family's noodles come from meticulously selected, regionally grown ingredients.

他们对邻国的肆意欺凌埋下了覆亡的种子,并在未来的冲突中应验。Their bullying of other nations regionally will be a factor in their undoing in a conflict.

亚洲适用技术发现亚洲地区存在各种本土适用技术及手法。ATA has found that a host of appropriate indigenous practices and technologies exist regionally.

郯庐断裂东侧的现代构造应力场在区域上具有极大的稳定性。The modern tectonic stress field on the eastern side of the Tanlu fault is regionally very stable.

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在北京各种地方风味餐馆中,湘菜馆也可谓异军突起。Among lots of regionally flavor restaurants in Beijing, the Xiangcai restaurant also expand rapidly.

近代杭州的职业教育的产生、发展得益于本地区良好的办学条件。Hangzhou's good regionally condition did goods to the development of the morden vocational education.

它们在三角洲前方广泛发育,垂向上相互叠置、平面上成带出现。They are widely developed in delta front, and they usually overlap vertically and occur in belts regionally.

它包含的信息Brammer的全国配送中心车间和区域位于维修中心。It contains information about Brammer's National Distribution Centre workshop and regionally located repair centres.

弱透水层存水且区域性地传导大量水,但不能充分供给每个井。An aquitard stores water and transmits enough water to be regionally significant but not enough to supply individual wells.

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新属种的发现也表明恐龙群在北美西部地区的坎帕阶期间是属于地域性分布。The presence of Teratophoneus suggests that dinosaur faunas were regionally endemic in the west during the upper Campanian.

该协会的区域代表性的董事会结构和国家的成员,协助执行其使命。The association's regionally representative board structure and national membership facilitate the execution of its mission.

大型火山爆发时,世界气候变更,生物地域性消失且面临全球性的挑战。When supervolcanoes blow their tops, the world's climate is altered and life is snuffed out regionally and challenged globally.

中方愿与各方一道,加强合作,分享经验,共同促进全球和地区可持续发展。China will work closely with all other parties to share experiences and promote sustainable development regionally and globally.

但是各地区发表的官方数字表明,乔纳森总统已经迈过确保赢得第一轮选举的重要门槛。But official figures published regionally show President Jonathan has already secured the vital threshold he needs to win in the first round.

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中国总体还算富有,但从单个人的角度就穷的可怜,它也因此被迫只能将注意力放在国内和区域内。China is rich nationally but still dirt poor on a per capita basis and, therefore, will be compelled to remain focused inwardly and regionally.

清代是民间木版年画发展的鼎盛期,女性人物图像在此期间呈现多元化的发展趋势。Moreover, images of female figures in New-year folk wood engravings were regionally diversified in styles. This thesis is divided into 3 parts.

受区域构造演化控制,松辽盆地东南隆起区主要发育伸展型、反转型、走滑型3种构造带。Under the effect of regionally structural evolution, 3 major types of structural belt have developed in the southeast uplift in Songliao basin.