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试金之石可试金,正如黄金能试人。As the touchstone tries gold,so gold tries man.

法律则是司法公正的唯一评价标准。Laws is the only touchstone of judical justice.

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试金之石可试金,正如黄金可试人。As the touchstone tries gold , so gold tries man.

试金之石可以试金,正如黄金能试人。As the touchstone tries golds, so gold tries man.

同样,塔奇斯顿对自己的衣服也觉得不自在。Not that Touchstone felt at ease in his clothes either.

但正如英格兰国家队,鲁尼才是真正的试金石。But, just as with England, Rooney is the true touchstone.

对于我们在所有这些方面的努力,这是一个试金石。That is the touchstone of our efforts in all these areas.

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行动是一个人伟大或者渺小的试金石。A man's deed is the touchstone of his greatness or littleness.

六尺是后卫的一个标准,就像六尺八寸是一个篮板手的标准一样。Six feet is a touchstone for guards, as 6-8 is for rebounders.

塔奇斯顿明白萨布莉尔更觉得咒契法术缺乏。Sabriel felt the lack of the Charter even more, Touchstone knew.

女人漂亮的外表并非可有可无,相反,那是她一生是否完美的试金石。Her beauty is not a frivolous irrelevancy but a touchstone to a full life.

一个社会对危机的处理是其法治程度的试金石。The ablity to handle crisis is the touchstone of a society's legal system.

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实际上,巴萨不仅是一支英式足球队,更是一块民族的政治试金石。In fact, Barça is a national political touchstone as much as a soccer team.

新产品进入市场和市场营销计划的试金石是市场试销。Trial sale is the touchstone of new product entry of market and marketing plan.

从社会方面,月亮石作为一块试金石,用来反应人类的贪婪。Socially, the Moonstone is employed as a touchstone to reflect man's greediness.

萨布莉尔和塔奇斯顿也和他们混到了一起,十二个人一时间挤成一团。Sabriel and Touchstone joined them, and the twelve huddled together for a moment.

两座教堂都用暗黑色的石头建造,因此它们常被称为“黑色修道院”。They both are made of dark touchstone and thus are often called “Black Monastery”.

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圣灵认识在新预言是其真实性的试金石。Recognition of the Paraclete in the New Prophecy was their touchstone of authenticity.

这是梦工厂与迪士尼签署发行协议后,第一部由试金石电影公司发行的电影。Pic is the first to be distributed by Touchstone under Disney’s output deal with DreamWorks.

“雾没有升起的迹象”,塔齐斯顿国王的首席保镖丹德报告。"The fog shows no signs of lifting, " reported Darned, principal bodyguard to King Touchstone.