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犹太教中的先知。Prophet of Judaism.

所以他们转向信仰犹太教。So they converted to Judaism.

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犹太教的希伯来圣经。It's the Hebrew Bible for Judaism.

也包括犹太教,因为圣经的缘故。Judaism comes into it because of Bible.

年青人是最不保守的。Of or adhering to Conservative Judaism.

犹太教内部有纷争。There was also conflict within Judaism.

在犹太教中允许这样做吗?我很好奇。Does it allowed in Judaism? I'm curious.

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事实上,它是犹太教的顶峰。Actually, it is the culmination of Judaism.

所以犹太教是允许在户外祈祷的咯?So you are allowed to pray outside in Judaism.

可能一些组织里的犹太人比其他多。Maybe some of them had more Judaism than others.

犹太民族是因一神教而诞生的民族。Judaism came into being in accordance with monotheism.

犹太教和基督教都是以希望为核心的宗教信仰。Both Judaism and Christianity are promise-centered faiths.

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戴尔出生在一个开放的犹太教家庭。Dell was born into a family which liberally practiced Judaism.

不过,犹太教的改革派却不受这些清规戒律的约束。Nevertheless , reform judaism does not follow these restrictions.

希伯来法是以一神教神权政治为社会基础的古犹太人的法律。Hebrew Law is a law of ancient Jews on the social basis of Judaism.

基督教中面纱像犹太教中一样普遍。The place of veiling in Christianity is as prevalent as in Judaism.

我们基督教每年有两次,与灵性或是自然接触的机会。We see Judaism intersect with spirituality or nature twice a year.

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出于对其世俗父母的懊恼,她皈依了犹太正统派。To the chagrin of her secular parents, she embraced Orthodox Judaism.

他们以为,他们自己只是继续在信仰犹太教。They thought they were simply continuing the right behavior of Judaism.

这是普世的,对所有植根于犹太教和妥拉的观点而言。It's a universalism to all that's firmly anchored in Judaism and the Torah.