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一套道德准则?A code of ethics?

一种是自治德道。There's an ethics of autonomy.

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三月份是职业道德宣传月。March is Ethics Awareness Month.

法官的职业道德必须是无懈可击的。A judge's ethics should be unexceptionable.

科学和道德规范告诉我们必须做什么。Science and ethics tell us what we must do.

“新约”则贩卖与人为善的道德准则。The new testament is a good code of ethics.

有些道德守则含有非常详细的规定。Some codes of ethics are extremely detailed.

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确定对违反道德规范的处理。b.Determine disposition of ethics violations.

有很强的敬业精神和职业道德。With strong professional dedication andl ethics.

我们要加强医德医风的教育。We should strengthen education on medical ethics.

医德不允许医生登广告。Medical ethics do not permit doctors to advertise.

再次,道德是个体立身行事的依归。Lastly, ethics is the stander to supervise oneself.

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这一道德准则针对LEM所有员工。This Ethics Code is binding upon all LEM employees.

言道德观“的问题经常被提起。The issue of "ethics in lying" was always happening.

这里谈不上坚守道德准绳的问题。There can be no question of holding forth on ethics.

而这些都是与孔子论述的道德相关。This is all related to what Confucius says in ethics.

第二章分析了贝娄道德观的来源。Part Two focuses on the sources of Saul Bellow's ethics.

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一切幸福,都是由生命热血换来的。——王烬美。Comply with the code of ethics life is happiness of life.

新闻自由是新闻道德的前提条件。Press freedom is a pre-requisite for journalistic ethics.

所以在以色列,契约成为最基本的社会道德规范。So covenant in Israel becomes the basis of social ethics.