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这就是辩论的力量和魅力!This is the power of glamor of debate!

然而好莱坞并没有完全丧失它的魅力。Yet Hollywood has not lost all its glamor.

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游戏并没有像网球的魅力。The game does not have the glamor like tennis.

去外国旅行对我来说永远不会失去它的诱惑力。Foreign travel has never lost its glamor for me.

或者是请大家尽力摆出他们最魅人的pose。Or asking everyone to strike their best glamor pose.

他们支付百分之90的广告的魅力杂志。They pay for glamor magazines that are 90 percent ads.

这就是艺术的魅力,这就是科学的力量。This is glamor of art, and this is scientific strength.

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那时它富有魅力,像古希腊艺术那样是圆满的、完整的和匀称的。A glamor to it --a perfection , a symmetry like Grecian art.

因此,这里的一个小魅力一枪开始你的星期五上午好!So here's a little glamor shot to start off your Friday morning!

他的表演充分展示了中华舞蹈的无穷魅力。His performance fully displayed the infinite glamor of Chinese dance.

诗集中浓烈的对亲人的思念,极具动人的情感魅力。The strong feeling for her relatives is full of touching emotional glamor.

这部电影由著名的凯瑟琳*赫本及卡里*格兰特主演,都是旧好莱坞风采的象征。This film, starring Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant, is the epitome Old Hollywood glamor.

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也许你有令所有的人都迷上你的魅力,使你不用关心任何事情,包括我。Maybe you have a glamor to make everyone love you so that you don't care anything, including me?!

我更喜欢她在好莱坞梦幻大道上的头发及化妆,非常文雅。I rather like her hair and make-up done in this hollywood glamor way, very elegant and sophisticated.

虽然该书以一种尊贵的颜色命名,书中茜莉的生活却没有一丝伟大或荣耀之处。For a book titled after a royal color, there seems to be no hint of greatness or glamor about Celie's life.

似乎当2008年,个人星光暗淡,演艺生涯面临终结之时,陈冠希也意识到了生命中其他一些事情的重要性。It seems that when the curtain came down on the glamor in 2008, Chen came to realize the importance of other things in life.

上文中提到,有吸引力的可以提供其他用户使用产品的照片,这种方法经常被用到。As in the sample objectives above, the compelling content might simply be glamor photos of your widgets in use by other people.

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他们想要权利,要金钱,要名誉,可惜这些目标并不能给他们带来幸福或是强大的公司。They are in it for the power, the money, the glamor. Unfortunately, these motivations don’t deliver happiness or strong companies.

北京,一个充满魅力与活力的艺术品之都正伸展双臂,迎接八方宾客!Beijing, a metropolis of works of art abounded with glamor and vigor, is stretching its arms to embrace the guests from all around the world.

海王星本来就容易让人沉溺于酒精和药物滥用,或者分不清虚幻的诱惑和虚假的表象。Too often this planet brings with it alcoholism or drug dependency, or the kind of shallow happiness that comes from faded glamor and tattered gowns.