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如何将微束分析技术应用到大气尘埃颗粒研究之中?How does Microbeam Techniques Apply to the Studies of Aerosol Particles?

进行了基于微束等离子弧的焊缝跟踪传感可行性研究。In this paper, weld seam tracking method based on microbeam plasma arc is developed.

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研究成一种高性能的激光微束细胞打孔仪。A new laser microbeam system for cell perforation with excellent performance was studied.

本文分析了激光微束光场辐射压力对微粒子的作用。We analyze the effect on the optical radiation pressure for corpuscules by laser microbeam.

论文研究了微束系统中的细胞图象识别技术。The paper mainly focus on the image distinguishing technology of cells for the ASIPP microbeam.

目前主要从事单个粒子微束装置的研制与发展的工作。The main direction is in the research and development of the Single particle Microbeam facility.

用这个激光聚焦系统,激光微束仪能获得直径小于0。Using this focusing system, the laser microbeam instrument has got the focal spot size of less than 0.

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而塑性下降则归因于较薄薄膜的晶粒内较少的可动位错。The decrease in the ductility of the microbeam is attributed to fewer mobile dislocations in the grain.

比较了微束激光融合法与病毒法,PEG法,电融合法。Compares the method of cell fusion induced by laser microbeam with induced by virus, PEG, electric field pulse.

以静电驱动的双端固支梁为例用ANSYS模拟软件对模型进行了验证,结果表明模型具有较高的精度。It proved precise in comparison with ANSYS software with example of the electrically actuated fixed-fixed microbeam.

文章主要介绍了ASIPP微束装置计算机控制系统的系统设计方案。Th paper mainly focuses on introducing the systematic design on the control system for the ASIPP microbeam facility.

疲劳裂纹从尖缺口处萌生的门槛值接近块体材料。The threshold of the fatigue crack initiation from the notch of the microbeam is close to that of the bulk material.

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激光微束的动力学效应是近十年来量子光学领域中最前沿的研究课题。The research about the dynamics effect of laser microbeam is the frontier subject of quantum optics in the recent 10 years.

此类标样用于铁硅合金,铝镁合金,铝硅合金的微束分析。These CRM's are for analysis of Iron–Silicon alloy Aluminum–Magnesium alloy and Aluminum–Silicon alloy by microbeam methods.

利用解析方法分析了基座变形对微梁共振器固有频率的影响。The effect of base structural deformation on inherent frequency of a microbeam resonator is analyzed by using analytical method.

研究了微束激光转化法用于棉花感受态萌动胚转化预培养的时间、高渗液对材料的处理等。The recent advances about laser microbeam in plant transformation of exogenous gene, key techniques and applications are introduced.

本文报道用微束激光对家蚕进行外源染色质的转移获得成功,观察到转移的染色质基因在受体中的当代形态性状表达。This is a report on the transfer of exogenous chromatin achieved on silkworms induced with laser microbeam and transmitted to progeny.

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以及轻元素测定、微束和薄层分析等数据处理技术。In addition, special attention is also paid to the development of microbeam X_ray fluorescence, coating and thin films, and light element analysis.

应用YAG倍频激光器对中华大蟾蜍受精卵、四细胞期胚胎、囊胚期胚胎分别进行照射。Applying YAG double-frequency laser microbeam respectively irradiated fertilized eggs, 4-cell-stage, blastula stage embryos of Bufo bufo gargarizans.

本文论述激光微束照射细胞的损伤点直径和聚焦光斑上能量密度的测试方法。The measuring methods for the diameter of cell damage spot caused by laser microbeam and the energy density of focusing spot are described in this paper.