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我们很少能直来直去。We can seldom go erect.

当那只脚回到家,它又把腰杆直起。And grows erect as that comes home.

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保持你的姿态笔直竖立。Keepyour posture straight and erect.

士兵们都要被训练成站得很挺直。Soldiers are trained to stand erect.

保持你的姿态笔直挺立。Keep your posture straight and erect.

他虽然已78岁了,但依然个头高挺,腰杆笔直。He's very tall and erect for his 78 years.

道路两旁笔直的白杨排成行。Erect poplars lined both sides of the road.

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仅用几分钟时间就可搭个帐蓬。It takes only a few minutes to erect a tent.

仅仅是停下来直立的站着。Just stop what you're doing and stand erect.

湿润的皮毛竖立,可能有脱落。The moist hair is erect and may be depilated.

她昂着头,把背挺得笔直。She held her head erect and her back straight.

几棵青松挺立在山坡上。Several pine trees stand erect on the hillside.

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他一直呆呆地直立在窗前。He stayed on with an erect posture by the window.

这个市镇将为该城的战斗英雄们立个纪念碑。The town will erect a monument to its war heroes.

使用前一阶段作业中的配置来代替吗?。An object used as a substitute for an erect penis.

他们计划在那片地产上建造一座公寓楼。They plan to erect an apartment house on that property.

每天你都会钉个钉子,放块木板或砌一面墙。Each day you hammer a nail,place a board or erect a wall.

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但如果你竖起一堵墙,他们就会去寻找更容易的目标了。But if you erect a wall, they will look for easier targets.

就当你为本人建房,每天要钉钉、铺板、砌墙。Each day you hammer a nail, place a board, or erect a wall.

现在,先站直,两手垂直于身体两侧。Now, start out standing erect with both hands at your sides.