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=我需要弩箭!I need crossbow bolts!

你必须成为“火弩”。You can’t “sort of” fire a crossbow.

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弩所用的箭较短。The crossbow uses the arrow is short.

“这里有个十字弓。”佩妮向他展示。"Here's a crossbow. " Penny showed it to him.

就这把弓箭,这叫霸王弓。This set of bow and arrow is called Bawa Crossbow.

我不会允许你买弓的,永远也不会.i won`t Permit you to buy a crossbow ,now or ever.

他还有一些其他的武器,比如弩和炸弹。He has other weapons, too, like a crossbow and bombs.

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减少了弩箭穿透盾牌的概率。Reduced chance of crossbow bolts to penetrate shields.

巨盾持弩民兵装备链甲和全身巨盾。Italian crossbow militia, armoured with mail and a pavise.

弓弩是古代最常用的远距离作战武器。Bow and crossbow is the most in common use in ancient times.

我用十字弓射中了目标还赢得了一只牛眼睛呢。I played shoot the target with a crossbow and got a bulls eye!

我认为弩箭可以穿透板甲,也许太厚的不行。I would say crossbow bolts can pierce plates, but not thick ones.

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我曾想我会用弩射向我的头。I thought I was going to shoot myself in the head with a crossbow.

弓和弩的弹药总是有限的,所以要慎重使用。A bow and a crossbow have limited ammunition so use them reasonably.

持弩民兵维护费用低廉,常用于防御城邑。Crossbow militia are inexpensive units formed to protect settlements.

热那亚弩兵是精锐弩兵,装备镶甲和全身巨盾。Superior Italian crossbow unit armoured with brigandine and a pavise.

一种从石弓中分化出来的用手来发射的弓箭。A medieval missile launcher designed on the principle of the crossbow.

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古代投掷物体之发射器,用作发射长箭或重型球状物。A medieval missile launcher designed on the principle of the crossbow.

一种发自石弓的四面刃头的箭。A short, heavy arrow with a thick head, used especially with a crossbow.

一把斧头,一把匕首,一句精选的评论。但是我的杀手锏是十字弓。An axe, a dagger, a choice remark. Though I'm deadliest with my crossbow.