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他是我们的中学校长。He's our principal.

学校校长被停职检查。The principal was suspended.

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史密斯先生是一位中学校长。Mr. Smith is a high school principal.

亲切的校长发表了演讲。The gracious principal made a speech.

校长公布了这次考试的结果。The principal put up the exam result.

主要受害者为青少年。The principal victims were teenagers.

李校长今天戴了一条黄色的领带。Today Principal Li wore a yellow tie.

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你可以跟校长抱怨说,You can talk to the principal and say,

你的伯父是中学校长吗?Is your uncle a high school principal ?

他在那出戏中演主角。He acted the principal hero in the play.

这样的超滤子称为主要的。These ultrafilters are called principal.

一个纸团飞过来打在校长的鼻子上。A spitball hit the principal on his nose.

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橡胶制品是该国主要的出口产品。Rubber is the country's principal export.

这件事我必须与委托人商量一下。I must consult my principal on this matter.

注册会计师的首要职责是审计。The principal function of CPAs is auditing.

我至为关心的是我一家的幸福。My principal concern is my family's welfare.

她在这个芭蕾舞中担任主角。She danced the principal role in the ballet.

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股东价值观念的主要特点如下The principal features of sva are as follows

这和接种疫苗的道理是一样的。This is the same principal for vaccinations.

莱德是这个学校的校长。Mr. Ladd is the principal of our high school.