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品尼高点在第五洞。The fifth hole at Pinnacle Point.

过去品尼高安装必须的。Past Pinnacle installation a MUST.

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攀向成功的高峰。C. Climb the highest pinnacle of success.

我们总是在汲汲追求着那个所谓的顶峰。We are always moving towards that pinnacle.

但PGA巡回赛是最好的,是顶点。But the PGA Tour is the best,is the pinnacle

他发现了一条通向时尚巅峰的不同寻常的路。He took an odd route to the pinnacle of fashion.

登山队员向山峰的顶点攀登。The mountaineers were climbing towards the pinnacle.

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天竺镇丽苑街荣和商业中心。Pinnacle Avenue, Liyuan Street, Tianzhu Town, Shunyi.

夕阳的余晖照射到塔尖上。The pinnacle of the pagoda caught the last of the sun.

戴笠在其权力巅峰时出现在战争中。Dai Li emerged from the war at the pinnacle of his power.

如果现在就是我们人生的鼎盛时期,情况会怎么样呢?What if this moment right now is the pinnacle of our life?

叠翠轩可以执行高达150升降机一次充电。The Pinnacle can perform up to 150 lifts on a single charge.

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“守护我的羊儿吧,”岩柱上传来清亮的声音。"Guard my sheep, " came the silvery voice from the pinnacle.

石林叠翠老君山,北国山水走洛阳。Shilin Pinnacle Laojunshan, Northland landscapes take Luoyang.

发生航天发射诡异事件的第一个高峰就在人类的头几次载人航天活动上。The pinnacle of manned space oddities may be one of the first.

艺术人生是最充实和幸福的事业。The touching art ofen is the life pinnacle of poetic creation.

目前,强尼·戴普的事业正处于巅峰。Johnny Depp is at the pinnacle of an already illustrious career.

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发现一只小羊就在他前方,在不可接近的、光亮的岩柱上。He found the lamb beyond him, on the inaccessible pinnacle of light.

这种鱼是极其危险且具有凶猛攻击性的鱼类。The fish is the pinnacle in dangerous and effective invasive species.

只与结构完整性的品尼高电梯可以做到这一点!Only a lift with the structural integrity of the Pinnacle can do this!