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这是所谓的友好怠工。This is so-called friendly sabotage.

时间旅行者暗中破坏实验?Did Time Tripper Sabotage Experiment?

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对电话系统的破坏活动也会被检测到。Sabotage of telephony equipment is also detected.

天啊!我没有动你那恶心的飞机!Damn it ! i didn ' t sabotage your lousy airplane.

但情绪化进食会妨害为减肥所做出的努力。But emotional eating can sabotage your weight-loss efforts.

他说,他再也不能忍受这种内部的阴谋活动了。He said he could not bear such internal sabotage any longer.

是为了褒奖我在敌后的破坏工作。The award was given for sabotage activities behind enemy lines.

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我们说想要职业成功,却在求职面试时故意搞砸。We say we want to besuccessful but we sabotage the job interview.

但萨那托斯却阴谋破坏这次会面,要杀死魁刚。However, Xanatos plans to sabotage their meeting and kill Qui-Gon.

破坏财产,偷盗和下流的行为是很普遍的。Sabotage of property, thefts, and dirtying of premises are common.

他说,他再也不能忍受这种从内部来的阴谋活动了。He said he could not put up with such internal sabotage any longer.

这位不择手段的总督企图破坏鲁恩殖民地运动会。The unscrupulous governor attempted to sabotage the Roon Colonial Games.

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你可能已经知道,吃有味儿的食物或抽烟会导致口臭。You probably know that smelly foods and smoking can sabotage your breath.

没有这缓冲,即使很小的突发事件也能毁了完美的长远打算。Without this cushion, even small emergencies can sabotage good intentions.

将年轻人带入体制的恶意竞争将会毁灭整整一代人的文化。An institutional grudge match with the young can sabotage an entire culture.

但如果被子叠得特别糟,也许是故意的。But if the bed- making is particularly pathetic, it may be a sabotage maneuver.

英雄消耗所有剩余的移动力来毁坏敌人的矿产。At the price of all his remaining movement, the hero can sabotage an enemy mine.

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他们尚未从事破坏活动或间谍活动即被逮捕。Before they could carry out acts of sabotage or espionage they were apprehended.

2008年在津巴布韦,罗伯特·穆加贝破坏了大选,掀起民间动乱。In Zimbabwe in 2008 Robert Mugabe’s sabotage of elections set off civil upheaval.

虽然我们不常感到内疚或怨恨,但是这些感觉仍然会破坏我们的情感生活。Guilt or resentment, which we are not always conscious of, sabotage our love lives