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属于或关于神智学的。Of or relating to theosophy.

上帝在神智学的犹太法典。God in the Theosophy of the Talmud.

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神智学是神秘学的一个分支。Theosophy is one branch of occult ism.

如今,饮料,神智不太清楚!Today, a drink, theosophy am not clear!

通神学是西方社会科学发展的产物。Theosophy is the result of the scientific development in the west society.

沙皇保罗一世在俄国历史上被认为是一个神智不健全的皇帝。Tsar Paul I in Russia's history is considered a theosophy not sound emperor.

三十年代以后,见神论成了以前思想动摇的运动的一个影子。Theosophy became after the thirties a shadow of the former mind-swaying movement.

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尽管是见神论和人智学,亚特兰蒂斯的概念也进入纳粹神秘主义。Through theosophy and anthroposophy the concept of atlantis also entered nazi mysticism.

它后来由个人对接神论进一步阐释而更为丰富并受到他们的影响。It was later enriched and influenced by those individuals who gave Theosophy further expression.

欧洲人对印度宗教的兴趣,并不在于无法限制像通灵学派这样的运动。European interests in Indian religions were not by no means confined to the movements like Theosophy.

我猜想这是超自然现象或者神秘主义,或者那之类的什么东西,加上一大堆通神学的理论。It's psychic phenomena, or mysticism, or something of that sort, I guess, with a lot of Theosophy thrown in.

接神论是由对神秘教义的理解的需要造就的,特别是对东方式的神秘主义的渴求。Theosophy was created by the need to understand mystical teachings, especially the eastern approach to the mystical.

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正金操作和给予提升的治疗触摸疗愈技巧是源自见神论创立的教导。The auric manipulation and healing techniques that gave rise to Therapeutic Touch were derived from teachings found in Theosophy.

克鲁斯也解决各种新的课题报告,作为飞碟绑架复仇美国佛教,当代文学批评,神智。Crews also tackles new subjects as diverse as UFO abduction reports, American Buddhism, contemporary literary criticism, and theosophy.

当科学和人们信仰的宗教产生冲突时,人们的精神该何去何从?最终,人们的精神从通神学那里获得了安宁。Where would human spirit go while science was in direct conflict with the religion that people believe?At last, people find peace in theosophy.

当科学和人们信仰的宗教产生冲突时,人们的精神该何去何从?最终,人们的精神从通神学那里获得了安宁。Where would human spirit go while science was in direct conflict with the mantra of the catholic church?At last, people became peace in Theosophy.

叶芝曾受到通神论和诺斯替教,神秘主义教条的训练,这些传统,在他早期作品中与欧洲象征主义,和爱尔兰文化民族主义结合。Yeats was trained in the occult disciplines of Theosophy and Gnosticism. Those traditions merge in his early work with European symbolism, and also with Irish cultural nationalism.

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叶芝曾受到通神论和诺斯替教,神秘主义教条的训练,这些传统,在他早期作品中与欧洲象征主义,和爱尔兰文化民族主义结合。Yeats was trained in the occult disciplines of Theosophy and Gnosticism. Those traditions merge in his early work with European symbolism, and also with Irish cultural nationalism.

这个词正好最恰当地描述了她的教义,因此,将“T”大写,神智学是她在十九世纪所教授的学说的名称。The term came to be the most appropriate word to describe her teachings and so, with a capital "T", Theosophy came to be the name given to that which she taught in the 19th century.