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以上规定也适用于任何反请求。The above provisions shall apply to any counterclaim.

我国的工程索赔管理从不熟悉到逐步应用,正处在一个发展过程中。We are in the course of the development of the counterclaim of project management.

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故意将装有反诉状的透明文件袋放在桌上。I put the transparent document bag with counterclaim in it on the table intentionally.

建筑产品的特殊性决定了“索赔”的必然性。The particularity of architecture production results in the inevitability of counterclaim.

第二部分是关于两大法系反诉制度的比较。Part Two. The second part gives the comparison of counterclaim system in the two families of law.

“如卖方未能在规定的装船期限内装船,买方有权提出罚款”。你看好不好?How about " if saler could not lade cargo before shipment, buyer have the right to counterclaim "?

被申请人可以承认或者反驳仲裁请求,有权提出反请求。The respondent may accept the arbitration claim or object to it. It has a right to make a counterclaim.

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它能从根本杜绝生产厂与消费者之间的质挺纠纷及出产品的索赔事件。Moreover, it puts an end to the bother and counterclaim affaires between manufacturers and customers at all.

反诉制度具有合并解决相关纠纷的功能优势。The counterclaim system has the functional advantage of incorporating and settling the correlative disputes.

离婚诉讼中能否提起反诉,我国立法未予以明确规定,实践中对之持否定态度,理论上也未见有相关论述。There is no rule in our litigation and theory on whether the counterclaim against the divorcement suit could be request.

协调公司相关部门做好对客户非质量问题抱怨的处理以及客户的索赔受理工作。Coordinate functional departments to deal with the non-quality claim from customer , accept and hear a case of counterclaim.

工程索赔管理是工程项目管理的重要组成部分,也是工程项目管理工程师热点关注的领域。The management of counterclaim is a very important portion in project management, and also is one of hotspot to the project management engineers.

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笔者认为无论是反诉的提出还是法院对反诉的判决和裁决方式都要以有利于保护当事人的反诉权为原则。The principle must be conducive to the protection of the parties' right, regardless of the proposal of counterclaim or the verdict of counterclaim.

当事人增加、变更诉讼请求或者提起反诉的,应当在举证期限届满前提出。The application for adding or changing the claim, or lodges a counterclaim shall be filed before expiration of the time limit for adducing evidence.

由于美国相当很少出口清洁能源产品到中国,因此对于中国而言提出反诉难度很大。The difficulty for China in making a counterclaim is that the United States exports relatively little in clean energy products, particularly to China.

诉讼代理人代为承认、放弃、变更诉讼请求,进行和解,提起反诉或者上诉,必须有委托人的特别授权。An agent ad litem must obtain special powers from his principal to admit, waive or modify claims, or to compromise or to file a counterclaim or an appeal.

第十七条被申请人如有反请求,最迟应在收到仲裁通知之日起30天内,以书面形式提交仲裁委员会。Article17the respondent shall within30days from the date of receipt of the notice of arbitration lodge with the secretariat his counterclaim in writing if any.

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晚上乙恒与德川见面,德川请求乙恒收回一切不利日自己的决议,但乙恒却反请求德川表示协作诚意。Night with YiHeng YiHeng tokugawa meet, tokugawa request on his back all adverse resolution, but YiHeng but a counterclaim tokugawa says collaboration sincerity.

离婚诉讼中能否提起反诉,我国立法未予以明确规定,实践中付之持否定态度,理论上也未见有相关论述,但离婚诉讼中的反诉却有其存在的必要性。There is no rule in our litigation and theory on whether the counterclaim against the divorcement suit could be request. The litigation practice denies it either.

在本部分,文章分别从理论研究、立法和司法三方面对我国反诉制度的现状进行了考察。In this Part, the article firstly carries on an inspection of Present situation of our country's counterclaim from the legislation, justice and the theoretical study.