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什么是消费?What is consumption?

加算消费税。I add the consumption tax.

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体育消费观。Consumption view of sports.

应就垃圾食品的消费征税。THW tax junk food consumption.

她从来没有生肺痨。She never was in a consumption.

令人咋舌的汽车消费量!Conspicuous Consumption of Cars!

能源消耗创造财富。Energy consumption creates wealth.

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蛋白质消耗也低于标准。Protein consumption was also less.

出现了肺病的征兆。Symptoms of consumption developed.

理由之一就是消费的转变。One reason is shifts in consumption.

酒水的消耗向主管报告。MNB consumption reports to supervisor.

他的病本来就不像是痨病。It is not consumption at all , it seems.

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我们应该减少水的用量。We should cut down on water consumption.

这对消费产生了抑制作用。This had an adverse effect on consumption.

实线显示电能消耗。The solid lines show the power consumption.

另外一些人开始抵押别的形式的消费品。Others forfeited other forms of consumption.

就是消耗糖类和碳水化合物。The consumption of sugars and carbohydrates.

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其结果是消费结构的改变。Consumption patterns are changing as a result.

冬季期间水消耗量减少。Water consumption decreased during the winter.

召唤兽的魂消耗被改变。Summons' Soulshot consumption has been changed.