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你可以用科学方法阐释。And you could illustrate this scientifically.

问题是我们怎样科学地检验它。The problem is how to test it scientifically.

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怎样存放普洱茶才是科学的呢?How does one store the Pu'er Tea scientifically?

在某种程度上,它是科学合理的。To some degree, it is scientifically reasonable.

裸睡有助于健康,这是科学证明过的!Contribute to health, it is scientifically proven off!

这些事听起来很陈腐,但却被证明是很科学的。They may sound corny, but they're scientifically proven.

实行科学民主决策。We will make decisions scientifically and democratically.

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德国是最科学先进民族之林。Germany was one of the most scientifically advanced nations.

从科学上说,女性比男性确实更有“选择者”的自觉。That women are “choosier” than men is scientifically verified.

如果你想得到好收成,就得用科学方法种田。You must farm scientifically if you want to have a good yield.

更政治化和科学化,而她不知道如何停止它。politically and scientifically but she didn't know when to stop.

自由意志在科学和哲学上都未被证伪。Free will hasn’t been disproved scientifically or philosophically.

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然而,即使再微小的证据,这在科学上也是极其诱人的。But even the slimmest of evidence makes this scientifically tantalising.

具有科学头脑的人相信“因果”关系。Scientifically minded people believe in a "case-and effect" relationship.

二是顺应潮流,科学发展。Second, we must follow the trend of the times and develop scientifically.

设计中应合理组织交通流线,提高办公得房率。Organize traffic flow scientifically to improve office space availability.

凡是有科学头脑的人都相信因果关系。Scientifically minded people believe in a "cause-and-effect" relationship.

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如何采用最科学的智能控制先进技术?How to use the most scientifically advanced intelligent control technology?

纯源化获得转基因大豆与非转基因大豆的方法不科学慎密。The method of sourcing the GM and non-GM soy was not scientifically rigorous.

Serreze说,北极并没有科学上的重大意义。There is nothing scientifically significant about the North Pole, Serreze said.