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庭院四周围以回廊。The courtyard is cloistered.

去广场大酒店庭院怎么走?How can I get to the courtyard?

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这院子里原有两口井。There are two in this courtyard.

有一道强光照进了庭院。A courtyard in front of a building.

家家户户的院子里,也都盖满了葡萄。Each courtyard had a grape trellis.

他看见了大响铃在庭院里。He saw a big bell in the courtyard.

寂寞梧桐深院锁清秋.Lock in the courtyard autumn clear.

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院子里一片吵闹声。A hubbub was heard in the courtyard.

石头教堂及周围的庭院。Stone church and surrounding courtyard.

南墙根成了我们大杂院的菜园子。Southern wall into our courtyard garden.

枫叶在庭院里变得黑凄凄。Maple leaves turn black in the courtyard.

攀援植物给院墙披上了绿装。Climbing plants clothed the courtyard walls.

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老四合院的房子非常漂亮。The old courtyard houses are very beautiful.

一条大拱道直通向一座庭院。A big archway leads through into a courtyard.

院里种了几棵枣树。There are some jujube trees in the courtyard.

他们用泥把院墙的裂缝堵上。They mudded the cracks in the courtyard wall.

叫孩子们到院子里耍去。Tell children to go and play in the courtyard.

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那个院子里有几棵枣树。There are some jujube trees in that courtyard.

我们当时都在院子里看星星。We were at the courtyard looking at the stars.

发展密集庭院经济。At last, develop intensive courtyard economies.