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宁也想感受那种轻盈。Ning wanted that lightness.

它给人一种轻松感。That gave one sense of lightness.

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蛛网上的甘露光彩轻盈。Manna in cobweb lusters with lightness.

你凭借心灵羽翼的轻盈。Thou didst desert, with spirit-winged lightness.

它显得非常的轻盈而直接。It had a lightness about it, but it was very immediate.

脱皮后燕麦粉白度最高。The lightness of the polished oat flour is the highest.

在轻盈愉悦的氛围中,每个人的呼出与吸纳都无比丰盛。Everyone gives and receives much in an atmosphere of lightness.

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而她失落的心情很快就被轻松惬意的感觉取代了。But dismay quickly gave way to feelings of lightness and freedom.

在室内,创新中心延续着雅致和明亮。Inside, the Innovation Centre's elegance and lightness continues.

余味悠长,轻盈的感觉令人回味久久。Long after-taste, the feeling of lightness memorable a long time.

饱和度和亮度也影响到我们的感觉。The saturation and lightness of light also affect our perceptions.

即使在黑暗的阴里,也能发现阳的光亮。Even within the darkness of yin, there is found a lightness of yang.

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从我们驶出海港那一刻起,我感到越来越轻盈。From the moment we headout of the harbour I feel a growing lightness.

黑色是最暗的颜色,是纯度、色相、明度最低的非彩色。Black is the most dark color, purity, hue, lightness the lowest color.

而屋顶采用波浪状是因为我们想让形体能有一定程度的轻巧感。The roof is a wavy roof because we wanted to achieve a level of lightness.

第一乐章,富有表现力的同时又不失轻盈。The first movement, although expressive, maintains a lightness in thesound.

盘古开天地,轻者为天,浊者为地。Starting from the first day of earth, Sky is lightness while Earth is polluted.

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同时,较高的色彩明度还能有效地调节室内光线。In the meantime, taller colour lightness still adjusts effectively indoor light.

色彩的表现是由色彩的色相、明度与纯度来完成的。The performance of color by the color hue, lightness and purity to be completed.

它们透明的火光有点像伟大净化的光芒。Their burning transparence has something of the lightness of great purifications.