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我来使你熟悉这些事实。Let me familiarise you with the facts.

对你来说把熟悉它们是个不错的主意。It is a good idea to familiarise yourself with them.

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只要了解自己,并提交与SL你的工作的例子。Simply familiarise yourself with SL and submit examples of your work.

在你使用新仪器前,你必须先熟悉它。Familiarise yourself with the new equipment before you attend to use it.

投资任何东西前,你应该对它和其风险有足够的认识。Before you invest in anything, you should familiarise yourself with the instruments and their risks.

当然,为了熟悉考试形式你也可以做一些测试练习。Here again, of course, you can always try some practice tests to familiarise yourself with the format.

我们要努力地学习中国文化,认识中国的价值观念。We must work hard to familiarise ourselves with the Chinese culture and get to know the Chinese values.

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这位土耳其的车手借这个机会熟悉了这部车,并在他的经历中留下了深深的一笔印记。The Turkish driver took the opportunity to familiarise himself with the car and was impressed with the experience.

我正尽力想着要把顶恶劣的情况视为家常,忽然一辆雇脚的马车从我身后驶来,我不由抬头一看。I was trying to familiarise my mind with the worst, when a hackney-chariot coming after me, occasioned me to look up.

你必须熟悉这些症状和治疗方法,并且采取预防措施来避免生病。It is essential that you familiarise yourself with the symptoms and treatment of both and take necessary precautions to avoid getting ill.

印度声称,去年11月袭击孟买的好战分子曾使用谷歌地球帮助他们熟悉要袭击的目标。Last year India said that the militants who attacked Mumbai in November had used Google Earth to familiarise themselves with their targets.

但有医生投诉他们没有足够时间去熟悉为患者登记的程序。But some doctors have complained that they have not had enough time to familiarise themselves with the software used for registering patients.

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最新的操作系统将通过阅读用户的电子邮件来充实它的词汇量,允许人机更简单的对话。The latest version of Windows will read users' e-mails to familiarise itself with their vocabulary, allowing users to talk to their computers more easily.

英国人对这四十年的压榨故事并不陌生,因为一些类似的现象也在英国显现。Britons would do well to familiarise themselves with this tale of the 40-year squeeze, because there are chilling signs of something similar getting under way here.

报道称威廉姆斯车队反对法拉利所提出的允许迈克尔舒马赫在欧洲大奖赛的复出之前进行测试。Ferrari had asked all current teams, as well as the FIA, to allow Schumacher to have a one-day test with this year's F60 car to familiarise himself with the machine.

要熟悉相机的理由是,当你阅读说明书时,对上面提到的按键你都知道在哪里。The reason you want to familiarise yourself with the camera is that when you read the manual and it refers to a button with a star and moon you will know where it is.

知道离工作站最近的逃生路线。发现其它的逃生路线。熟悉整个办公大楼的总体布置。Be familiar with the shortest escape route from your work station. Identify alternate escape route. Familiarise yourself with the general layout of your office building.

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为了加强政府公务人员对性别问题的认识,委员会在二月举行了认识性别课题与妇女事务研讨会。To familiarise civil servants with gender and women's issues, the commission organised an introductory seminar for officers from various bureaux and departments in February.

所有竞赛工作人员必须在此航次出现,因其目的是充分测试组织工作的所有方面,以及让飞行员熟悉竞赛的程序。All competition staff must be present for this round as the aim is to fully test all aspects of the organisation as well as to familiarise pilots with competition procedures.

我们需要的职能是一样的类型是什么目前与文本链接,广告用的方法相同,因此潜在的创造者是鼓励自己熟悉他们的系统。The type of functions we require is the same as what is currently available with Text-Link-Ads, so potential creators are encouraged to familiarise yourself with their system.