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使用长的锯齿型刀,水平地将每块蛋糕分成两半。Using long serrated knife, halve each cake horizontally.

大多数面料可用小的、锯齿边的擂盘。The small serrated edge tracing wheel is used for most fabrics.

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他不小心将车撞上了安全岛。His car bumped against the serrated edge of the road accidentally.

不用与内部管路分开,就可以轻易拆开、安装管口喷嘴。Two-part serrated nozzle for easy removal without detaching hoses.

他们的眼睛闪耀着黯淡的光泽,耳朵尖并在后缘呈锯齿状。Their eyes gleam darkly, and their ears ate pointed and serrated in back.

半重瓣深蓝色花。TL型心状斑叶,锯齿叶缘。半迷你型。Semidouble dark blue. TL variegated, heart-shaped, serrated . Semiminiature.

带有锯齿斑点的翅膀羽毛,隔音用,彼得·穆伦博士惠赠Wing feather with serrated edge, muffles sound, Courtesy Peter Mullen, Ph.D.

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重瓣中蓝色波折星型花。中到深绿色尖型叶,锯齿叶缘。大型。Double medium blue frilled star. Medium-dark green, pointed, serrated. Large.

橘子削皮刀,锯齿辣椒刀,酸橙蔬菜刀和紫红削皮刀。Orange paring knife, serrated pepper, lime and purple vegetable peeler knife.

带有锯齿斑点的翅膀羽毛,隔音用,彼得·穆伦博士惠赠。Wing feather with serrated edge, muffles sound, Courtesy Peter Mullen, Ph. D.

枇杷是常绿乔木,叶大,长椭圆形,有锯齿,开白花。Loquat trees are evergreen, leaves large, long oval, with serrated , white flowers.

剪刀的刀刃的材料是不锈钢而且它还拥有微小锯齿状的边缘,因此十分好用。The scissor blades are stainless steel and cut very clean with a micro serrated edge.

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牙根吸收明显,且为锯齿状或截根状吸收。The roots of teeth are absorbed apparently, demonstrating serrated or amputated appearance.

单瓣蓝白色铃铛花。中到深绿色,叶面光滑,锯齿叶。Single white and blue bell. Medium-dark green, glossy, serrated girl foliage. Semiminiature.

半重瓣到重瓣的亮到中蓝色折边菫型花。深绿色波浪型锯齿边缘叶。标准型。Semidouble-double light-medium blue shaded ruffled pansy. Dark green, wavy, serrated. Standard.

因为不光滑的缘故,所以蚊子锯齿状的尖喙会较少触碰到皮肤中的神经。The bug’s serrated proboscis touches the skin’s nerves at fewer points than it would if smooth.

一串红的叶子是心形的,叶子两边有锯齿,叶脉也非常清晰。A bunch of red leaves are heart-shaped, leaves are serrated on both sides, veins are very clear.

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半重瓣的深浅不一深色红到深紫折边星形花。中绿色一般尖型叶,锯齿叶缘。标准型。Semidouble dark red-plum two-tone frilled star. Medium green, plain, pointed, serrated . Standard.

重瓣黄色和白色的菫型花。中绿色平坦的心型尖状叶,锯齿叶缘。半迷你型。Double yellow and white pansy. Medium green, plain, heart-shaped, pointed, serrated . Semiminiature.

每切一刀都要先用潮湿的厨房毛巾将刀擦净。With a serrated knife, cut into 16 squares, wiping knife with a damp kitchen towel between each cut.