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避免含糊。Avoid ambiguity.

这下没有歧义了。No ambiguity there.

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是否有任何含糊之处?Is there any ambiguity?

这里的歧义在哪?What's the ambiguity there?

这部作品充满了似非而是及模棱两可之处。This is a poem full of ambiguity.

然则幸子却模棱两可。But luckily the son but ambiguity.

含糊导致混乱和困惑。Ambiguity leads to mess and confusion.

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可能最糟的错误是二义性。Probably the worst offense is ambiguity.

英国幽默有很多是靠一语双关而得。Much British humour depends on ambiguity.

全球唯一资源减少了歧义。Globally unique resources reduce ambiguity.

这种措词可能会引出歧义。The wording is likely to lead to ambiguity.

白宫做事容不得一点含糊。They don't do ambiguity in the White House.

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目标的度量也可以减少不明确性。Objective measurement also reduces ambiguity.

他们模棱两可的表态对市场没有任何好处。And that ambiguity is no good for the markets.

但在真理的所有砌体是充满了含糊不清之处。But in truth all Masonry is full of ambiguity.

谁能告诉我这儿的歧义在哪吗?Can anyone tell me the ambiguity that is here?

含糊导致犹豫和迷糊。Ambiguity leads to indecisiveness and confusion.

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模棱两可和含糊不清已不再为人所接受。Ambiguity and vagueness were no longer an option.

你必须理解我处的位置不明确…You must understand the ambiguity of my position.

决策者应该怎样应付这种模糊不明?How should policy makers deal with this ambiguity?