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球风和效率。Style and efficiency.

就可以算出效率。That's the efficiency.

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企业效率酌量。Business Efficiency Researc.

第四,要创造效率。Fourth, to generate efficiency.

他工作效率之高让我惊诧。I was amazed at his efficiency.

改善IQC的工作效率。Improve IQC working efficiency.

努力提高你的工作效率。Try to increase your efficiency.

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可以计算出效率。We can figure out the efficiency.

因此,效率是一种妄想。Efficiency is therefore a chimera.

这样做是为了提高效率。This is done to improve efficiency.

政府部门的效率同样让人不敢恭维。So, too is efficiency in government.

采取冷补是一种迅速有效的方法。Cold patch is a method of efficiency.

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发光效率高,耗电少,寿命持久。High luminant efficiency , long life.

我们必须提高工作效率。We must raise our working efficiency.

但是能源效率将是关键.But energy efficiency will be the key.

现在让我们看看效率。Now, let's just look at our efficiency.

但是,仅靠提高效率是不够的。But efficiency gains would not be enough.

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喂养犊牛,促进成长及饲料效率。For growth promotion and feed efficiency.

这就是效率的表达式。That's our expression for the efficiency.

跑酷的一大特点是效率。A characteristic of parkour is efficiency.