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腰椎前凸、NRS评分没有统计学意义。Deterioration in lumbar lordosis and NRS leg pain were not of significance.

骨盆倾角与腰椎前凸直接相关而与后凸无直接相关。Pelvic incidence correlated directly with lumbar lordosis but not kyphosis.

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两组节段性脊柱前凸和椎间盘高度的改进则相近。Improement in segmental lordosis and disc height was similar in both groups.

随后,Fisher告诉我,那应和了经典的雌性动物喜欢的脊柱前凸姿势。Later, Fisher tells me this is an echo of the classic "lordosis" pose favored by female animals.

然而,腰椎前凸及NRS腿痛的恶化是值得注意与担心的。Nonetheless, the deterioration in lumbar lordosis and NRS leg pain is noteworthy and of concern.

线平片检查显示脊柱侧凸,腰椎生理前突消失,相应椎间隙后侧增宽。X-ray showed scoliosis , absence of physiological lordosis and widening of intervertebral space.

对于腰椎的生理前凸变化是否与下腰痛有必然的联系,尚有一些争论。There are some arguments for the relation of changes in angle of lumbar lordosis and low back pain.

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如果颈椎处于中立位或存在前凸,此时多节段病变适用于椎板成形术。If the cervical spine is neutral to lordosis then the laminoplasty procedure for multilevel disease is preferred.

在过去几年中,普法夫和他的同事们开玩笑除了电路的神经和激素调节前凸。In past years, Pfaff and his colleagues have teased apart the neural circuitry and hormonal regulation of lordosis.

颈椎间盘的退行性变和对压力的反应,同样可以改变″正常″的颈椎前凸曲度。Degenerative change and the reaction of stress of intervertebral disc can also change the "normal" cervical lordosis.

检查人的手要放在患者的背部下以检查臀部完全弯曲中腰椎前凸是否消失。The examiner's hand is placed under the patient's back to check that lumbar lordosis is removed during full flexion of the hip.

放射线检验结果显示在两组普及率节段性前凸无显着差异。The radiographic results revealed no significant difference in the prevalence of segmental lordosis , with the numbers available.

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手术恢复LDK腰前凸改善胸后凸,并增大二者之间的关联度。Surgical restoration of lumbar lordosis for LDK brings about high level of statistical correlation to thoracic kyphosis improvement.

在新鲜的骨折中,球囊扩张椎体成型术可以改善脊柱前凸,若实施前凸成型术会更有效。Rectification of lordosis can be achieved in fresh fractures with the kyphoplasty technique and, even more efficiently, with the lordoplasty procedure.

术前颈椎前凸是实施椎板成形术前所必需的,且保持术后前凸对于脊髓减压也很重要。Preoperative lordosis of the cervical spine is a prerequisite for laminoplasty, and maintaining postoperative lordosis is also important for decompression of the spinal cord.

作为重建颈椎生理弧度的重要操作“椎间撑开”由来已久,但撑开器上的阻力由何构成?。Intervertebral distraction, which is the important step in cervical lordosis reconstruction, has been appeared long before, but what makes up the resisting force of distraction?

雌鼠接着可能三次以上表现出脊柱前弯的姿势,这个姿势是许多动物用来展示激情的,在这个姿势中,雌鼠猛推它们的臀部,并且尾巴上扬。The female mouse is then three times more likely to engage in what's called lordosis behavior, a posture shown by many animals in heat in which they thrust their rumps and tails upward.

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根据矢状面上脊柱平衡的理念,颈椎和腰椎的前凸,胸椎和骶椎的后凸构成的交替曲线使头能够定位与躯体和骨盆的上方。According to the concept of sagittal spinal balance, the alternating curves of cervical and lumbar lordosis and thoracic and sacral kyphosis enable the head to be positioned over the trunk and pelvis.

根据矢状面上脊柱平衡的理念,颈椎和腰椎的前凸,胸椎和骶椎的后凸构成的交替曲线使头能够定位与躯体和骨盆的上方。According to the concept of sagittal spinal balance, the alternating curves of cervical and lumbar lordosis and thoracic and sacral kyphosis enable the head to he positioned over the trunk and pelvis.