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刘莺是我最亲密的朋友。Liu Ying is my closest friend.

这附近哪里有西药房?Where is the closest pharmacy?

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他是我的老相识。He was my closest acquaintance.

他是我最亲密的朋友之一。He’s one of my closest friends.

最近的计程车停靠点在哪里?Where is the closest taxi stand?

你失去了最亲近的朋友。You're losing your closest friend.

他是帮助你实现梦想的最亲密的伙伴!He is the closest ally of your dreams!

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最靠近的主要交流道是哪一个?What's the closest major intersection?

赫斯曾是希特勒最亲近的助手之一。Hess was one of Hitler's closest aides.

这件工作需要高度的注意力。This work exacts the closest attention.

哪一站最靠近林肯中心?Which stop is closest to Lincoln Center?

你和3255620个好友You and 3,255,620 of Your Closest Friends

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关得最紧的火,燃烧得最炽烈。Fire thats closest kept burns most of all.

关得最紧的火,燃烧得最炽烈。Fire that's closest kept burns most of all.

最近的要向南走一个半小时。The closest one is an hour-and-a-half south.

你是88个星座中最接近于神的人。You are the Closest to God Amoung 88 saints.

我去过离中国最近的地方是沃尔马。The closest I have been to China is Wal-Mart.

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它顶多能让你检查你的计算。The closest it does is it would let you test.

物镜聚焦最靠近载片为何者?。Which objective focuses closest to the slide?

“我是人类最好的朋友,”狗炫耀道。"I am man's closest friend, " yelped the dog.